More of January 2015

Few things bring me as much joy as seeing the love between my children.

Nicole has a creativity and imagination that is all her own.  She spent hours creating this family of monsters and playing with them.

Charlotte and Ila are best of friends.  They love to play with our neighbor, Lucie together.  In fact, they consider all their friends to be mutual friends.

This is Isaac at the 5th grade program reciting his part.  He was so ill the day of the program that he stayed home from school.  He got up mid-day and told me that he couldn’t bear not going.  I took him into school just in time for the final rehearsal and school performance.
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA I had planned to leave Nicole home with her grandma, but she really wanted to go.  This is what she wore, I decided it wasn’t worth a battle to make her change.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHere are my boys the next morning.  Isaac was doing some sort of trick with his lips.

I got out my camera because I couldn’t get over Thomas’s big brown eyes.  I love that sweet silly boy!OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Thomas may have finally turned the corner on potty training.  He has had an increased level of success and interest.  Here he is playing with one of his rewards for peeing in the potty:OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Nicole dressed up her toys as “The Rainbow King and Queen” and spent hours carrying them around and talking about them.


In these pictures, she is pretending that they are singing:OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Thomas asks me “I please have go pee in the potty?”  He melts my heart.  He’s so sweet and polite.  He dances and smiles with each success and proclaims that he has “one hundred stickers!”OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Thomas wanted to take pictures with my camera.  He thought it was hilarious when I made funny faces.  He’d take the picture, look at it and then start laughing.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe’ve had a nasty bug going around.  Last night Nicole was up most of the night which left me totally exhausted today as well as sick.  I tried to close my eyes for a bit.  When I went to check on everyone, Nicole had made peanut butter bread for her and Thomas and they were eating it in the playroom.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Then I noticed this peanut butter on the wall.  I’m not sure how she managed to get it there, but Thomas thought that it was great.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

In fact, he licked it right off the wall.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAnd that is how life is today.  I’m exhausted and under the weather and the kids are licking peanut butter off the walls.  Hopefully I’ll be able to send some of them back to school tomorrow.