“The Magical Ms. Bre” by Nicole
Nicole was telling me that she has started writing a story at school and she is excited that she gets to finish it tomorrow. I suggested she could write a story at home to show her teacher and this is the story she wrote:
“The Magical Ms Bre By: Nicole”
“Once there was a teacher named Ms. Bre. She was nice and good. She was smart and magical and she was funny.” (word bubble with nonsense word = Ms. Bre being funny)
“Ms. Bre was silly and amazing. She could do many magic tricks with her wand.” (Wand is saying “try me.”)
“She could make students know how to spell words with her wand.” “She could make students love to read.”
“She could use her magic to make students know how to write stories.”
“After school, she used her magic to make her imagination come to real life.” (pictures are of a unicorn and a beautiful princess with a wand coming out of the thought bubble)
“One day she accidentally imagined a lot of evil bad guys.”
“The bad guys did Karate.”
“Ms. Bre read a book about a huge elephant.”
“The elephant came to life.”
“The elephant learned to fight.”
“The elephant fighted the bad guys.”
“Ms Bre learned to be more careful with her imagination and she rode her new elephant to school everyday.”
“Spectrum Academy”
Here is a picture of Nicole reading her story to her grandparents and aunts:
Here is a video of Nicole reading her story:
I love her demonstrations
I She is so cool. I hope that someday I can meet you all.