
I love a nice crisp close-up.  Here are some of the ones I took in March:3.5.13 Nicole (4)3.5.13 Nicole (5)3.7.13 Thomas (7)3.7.13 Ila (2)3.7.13 Ila (3)3.13.13 Charlotte3.25.13 Isaac and his derby car3.28.13 fun outside (28)3.28.13 fun outside (27)3.29.13 Silly Ila hair (6)3.29.13 at Freshies (2)3.30.13 fun outside (28)3.30.13 fun outside (12)

3.30.13 fun outside (14)3.30.13 fun outside (25)3.30.13 fun outside (33)3.31.13 girls in their Easter hats (26)Yes, I know.  I have way more face shots of some children than others, but it all comes down to opportunity and some of my kids are at school much of the day.

February Pictures, part 3

2.22.13 My friend Heather is just as crazy as I am, by which I mean she also has 5 little kids, only she’s slightly more crazy because her oldest child is a little younger than Charlotte. When we go out together, it kinda looks like we’re running a daycare with our 10 kids!2.22.13 at the Y with the Ramos family (4)

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Pictures from the rest of January

It turns out that being a mom of 5 doesn’t leave much time for blogging.  I’ve been sorting the pictures I’ve taken over the last few months, and it’s a big job that has taken me many hours over the last several days.  Here are some from the end of January where I left off last time I shared pictures.  Hopefully soon I’ll start posting pictures from February.

1.28.13  Ila spent her birthday money on an orange caterpillar, an orange baton, and an orange purse, all pictured below:1.28.13 Ila's birthday purchases1.28.13  This is Nicole in her bed, after bedtime wearing shorts on her head and at least three pairs of underwear on top of her nightgown.  When I came in, she said “I am Mrs. Pants!”1.28.13 underwear antics

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Isaac loves to eat eggs for breakfast, but I don’t always have the time to make them in the mornings before school.  One morning I taught Isaac how to make his own eggs.P2254054He’s been making eggs for the family for breakfast almost every day since.P2284087It’s nice because he can make them independently and make enough for his siblings too.  He is so excited about his new skill that he even asked if he could do it for the upcoming ward talent show.P2284089Our typical recipe calls for 6 eggs, a little milk, salt n’ pepper, ham, and sometimes a few drops of hot sauce.

Thomas’s One Year Well Check


Name:  Thomas Deane Cochran

Age:  1 Year, 1 week, and 5 days

Weight: 20 lbs 27th percentile

Length:   28 3/4 inches       15th percentile

Head Circumference:   19 inches     93rd percentile

Last well check (9 month) comparison:

Age = +3 months, weight = +2 lb 3 oz, length = +1 3/4 inches, head = +3/4 inch

Ila’s Bloodwork Results

Remember the 7 vials of blood I mentioned on facebook?  Well, the results are in and Ila’s numbers are all within normal limits except for a low IgA and a low IGF-1.P2043559I had to ask Google to help me make sense of everything so, here is a rundown of what that means based on my interneting:

An IgA test measures the blood level of immunoglobulin A, one of the most common antibodies in the body. Antibodies are proteins made by the immune system to fight bacteria, viruses, and toxins.

IgA is found in high concentrations in the body’s mucous membranes, particularly the respiratory passages and gastrointestinal tract, as well as in saliva and tears.

Based on my understanding, which might be flawed.  The normal range for IgA is 44-189 and Ila got a 32.  According to my Doctor, it’s low, but not enough to be really concerned.

For IGF-1 the normal range is from 26-162 ng/ml and Ila had 38.  I think I remember the doctor saying that her result was two standard deviations below the mean.  He is recommending we have her take a GH stimulation test

IGF-1 is a hormone similar in molecular structure to insulin. It plays an important role in childhood growth and continues to have anabolic effects in adults. (from Wikipedia)

You can read about the GH stimulation test here.

And since posts are more fun with pictures.  Here are my girls:P2033494

Thomas at One

I like to write about my kids each year near their birthday.  For Thomas, I thought I’d post a bunch of pictures and write about the pictures and hopefully by the end it will be a fairly complete picture of my sweet little baby.

He loves the dishwasher.  If he sees it open, he makes a beeline for it. On this day, I left the dishwasher open and turned my back. next thing I knew, Thomas was sitting on the dishwasher door:P2043581He has recently figured out how to pull the silverware tray out and he is very happy about his discovery:P2043574

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My kids at one

Thomas turns one in a week, so just for fun, here are each of my kids at about age one.

Isaac:190966774_086d56a64d_oCharlotte:319258834_bd7ff4496f_oNicole:3470070856_6dd369b8d4_oIla:5289379444_efd2611719_bThomas:P1303356Who do you think looks the most alike at one?

Our Family is a Teenager

Zach and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary on January 7th.  Last year we started a tradition of celebrating the day our family officially began as our family’s birthday with a piñata.  The kids were amused this year that our family is old enough

The little girls helped me make mini heart shaped cherry chocolate pies.P1072468P1072455

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I have hesitated to write this post because I don’t know if this is something that will embarrass my child at some point in his life and he would be mad that I had written about it in such a public venue or if this is the sort of thing that people shouldn’t write about publicly. I hope that the reason I posted this is clear by the end of my post.

When I was younger, ADHD became a seemingly popular diagnosis.  I remember hearing about it a lot and hearing about medications that had a lot of negative side effects which included taking a kid’s personality away or dulling it so much that they didn’t feel like themselves.

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Reason #573 that I love being a stay-at-home-mother

Can you start a list at #573?  Oh well, it doesn’t matter.

I have about 100 things that I should be doing right now, but instead, I’m writing this little insignificant story.

We were walking home from Nicole’s bus and she was talking about something (I can’t even remember what—it might have been about how she likes to splash in puddles in her boots) but she stopped mid-sentence to exclaim that she had found a rock for Nicole.  When we got to our house she ran off towards our truck while I helped Ila and Thomas come in the house.  Apparently, her rock needed a special leaf to go with it.P1072449After lunch she proclaimed:  “The rock needs to take a bath with the leaf.”  The she proceeded to bathe the rock and leaf in the bathroom sink.  I could hear her saying things like:  “the rock is so happy to have a bath so it can be nice and clean”  and  “now the rock and the leaf need a bubble bath.”  An hour later, she is still bathing her rock and her leaf.

It’s not a particularly unique or interesting story, but I love all the silly little moments in my day where my girls show their personalities and get excited about their goofy ideas.

Now back to those 100 things I have to do.

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