Thomas’s 4-month Well Check


Name:  Thomas Deane Cochran

Age: 4 months, 6 days

Weight: 13 lbs 7 oz.     20th percentile

Length:   23 1/4 inches       Less than 5th percentile

Head Circumference:   17 7/8 inches     90th percentile

Last well check (2 months) comparison:

Age = +2 months and 3 days, weight = +2 lb 7 oz, length = +1 1/4 inches, head = +2 3/8 inches

A Saturday Adventure

We took a little trip a few weeks ago with our friends Briana and Shawn to Point Defiance Park then took a ferry ride home and had dinner together back at our house.  Here are some of my favorite pictures from the day:5.12.12 Saturday Adventure (4)5.12.12 Saturday Adventure (3)

5.12.12 Saturday Adventure (11)5.12.12 Saturday Adventure (7)5.12.12 Saturday Adventure (18)


While my sister Barbara was in town, she took some pictures for us.  You can see all of them here on Flickr, but I thought I’d highlight a few for fun:6.3.12 a photo outing with Barb (119)6.3.12 a photo outing with Barb (120)6.3.12 a photo outing with Barb (22)

6.3.12 a photo outing with Barb (24)6.3.12 a photo outing with Barb (71)6.3.12 a photo outing with Barb (15)6.3.12 at Great Grandma's house (24)6.3.12 at Great Grandma's house (25)Often Thomas’s smiles consist of him opening his mouth as wide as he possibly can—I love my silly sweet baby!

6.3.12 at Great Grandma's house (28)IMG_0031 (2)Thanks Barb!!6.2.12 visiting with Aunt Barb (1)

The Prayers of the Children

I’m teaching a lesson about prayer on Sunday and I thought a fun attention getter would be to read some of the things I had written down about my children’s experiences with prayer.  I’m not sure that I’ll use any of them, but all these memories were too fun not to share:

1.26.06 This evening Isaac came into the living room and folded his arms and said ‘Amen’.  I asked him if he wanted to pray and he got down on his knees.  So I said a little prayer with him.  He stood up at the end of the prayer and then returned to his knees and said ‘Amen’ again.  We repeated this process about 5 times, till I said ‘thank thee for snacks and crackers.’  He then ran to the pantry to indicate he wanted some crackers.

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We made a big change this weekend.  We switched the playroom and the office.  The playroom was upstairs and the office was downstairs.  The problem was that I have way more chores to do downstairs (primarily because of meal prep and clean-up) and the children don’t like to be too far from me.  (plus sometimes they create big messes with things like water and baby powder when we’re separated from each other).  So they hardly ever played in the playroom for very long, but they got bored with the few toys in the living room.

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Grocery Store

Grocery shopping has changed since having Thomas.  At first I just went after bedtime, but it didn’t take too long before I started going during the day again.  The time after bedtime is precious to me, it’s the first time all day that I can freely do whatever I want/need to do without lots of little interruptions.

This is what we look like when we go in:5.4.12 in the cartHowever, three kids don’t leave much room for groceries, so by the end of the trip, I usually have to pull Nicole out of the cart and let her walk:

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The year we had Christmas in May (or was it April?) –part 3 = The Accident

I remember that I packed the back of the van for our trip home and I put the heavy stuff on the bottom and the lighter stuff on the top.  Lee complained about how I’d packed it, I think because he thought the stack was too high and he didn’t want it falling down on him during the trip home.  After the accident, he said that my crazy packing job saved his life because all the blankets and pillows fell on him and protected him.

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The year we had Christmas in May (or was it April?)

My sister shared a note on facebook today that my mother had written for my brother who was seriously injured in a car accident as a baby.  I had to read it in bits and pieces today because I didn’t have time to just sit and read which meant that I would read a paragraph or two then think about it as I went about my day.  As my mind was drawn back to that time, I have been anxiously waiting for a time that I could sit and write about the memories that have flooded back to me.  I have had such strong emotions as I read my mother’s words, both as a participant in the memory, and as a mother myself imagining the pain and stress and depression that my own mother felt during this time.

I will share my memories in my next post, but first I want to share part of what my mother wrote:

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That’s MY Thomas

I know I’ve mentioned this before, but Ila adores her little brother.  Sometimes she is an overly solicitous big sister, hugging and kissing him when he’s sleeping, or climbing up into my lap while I’m feeding him so that she can gently pat his head and tell him she loves him.  I just love seeing her show affection for him.  She gives him long hugs and sweet little kisses on his head.  She tries to comfort and love him when he cries.5.16.12 Playroom friends (1)  Yesterday he was laying on the floor and he started to get fussy.  When her hugs and kisses didn’t work I said that I thought he needed a “mommy hug.”  She tried to get him to tell me “I don’t want it, mommy hug” because she wanted to keep giving him loves.  Today when he started crying, Ila got to him first.  When I told her that I thought he needed a mommy hug, she insisted that he needed an “Ila hug” instead.5.16.12 Ila and Thomas (1)At times she tries to put a pacifier in his mouth when he doesn’t want it, all I have to say is “Thomas says no thank you” and she will stop. Today I put a pacifier in his mouth and she told me “He doesn’t want it, pacifier.”5.17.12 Ila and Thomas (5)Often if one of her siblings tries to talk to Thomas, Ila will run up and say “That’s MY Thomas,” then she’ll squeeze in between that other sibling and Thomas and start hugging and talking to Thomas herself.  If she’s strapped into her seat at the table and Thomas wakes up or starts to cry she’ll start yelling “finished” and “I need Thomas.” 5.16.12 Playroom friends (5) Here she is offering him a ball while he sleeps:5.17.12 Ila and Thomas4.26.12 Ila and Thomas4.30.12 Ila and Thomas4.29.12 Ila and Thomas4.28.12 Ila and Thomas (7)

Love That Baby Face!

My camera broke on Saturday (lens error?)  Luckily Zach had a camera that I could “borrow” for awhile or I would be seriously depressed about it . 

Check out these adorable baby smiles!  I just can’t get enough!

5.14.12 Thomas5.14.12 Thomas (5)5.14.12 Thomas (4)5.14.12 Thomas (8)

5.14.12 Thomas (11)

To The Bus

I don’t mind the walk to the bus with all 5 kids in the mornings when it’s sunny.  Here are some pictures from this morning’s walk:IMG_4581IMG_4599

IMG_4590IMG_4588I’m not a fan of taking all 5 kids in the rain which occurs frequently.

A Happy 4th Birthday to my Nicole

It’s hard to believe that Nicole is turning 4.  Four just seems so much more mature to me than three. 4.6.12 Nicole and Thomas (1) Charlotte keeps saying that when Nicole turns 4 she’ll stop being a little girl and start being a big girl. 

Click here to see what I wrote about her when she turned 3. 

It’s always interesting to see how much my children change in a year.  Last year I wrote about her yelling everything she says.  This year she has started to learn about using a quieter voice, but it’s still hard sometimes to get her to lower her volume (especially at church).  She went through a phase of yelling Ila’s name that I’m glad to say ended a while ago (here’s something that I wrote about it).

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“Oh, No! My orange rocket!”

We have assigned each of our kids a color and we color code things as much as possible. The children have embraced their colors and excitedly point them out when we drive down the road.  “Look, it’s Ila’s color, orange, house!”

Isaac = green, Charlotte = pink, Nicole = purple, Ila = orange*, Thomas = blue

The kids were inspired by a sharing time activity to make prayer rocks for family home evening.  They each picked out rocks and decorated them.  I spray painted some of the rocks for them. 

IMG_4234Ila ended up with a very large orange rock.  It’s so heavy that she has trouble picking it up or carrying it, but she insisted on brining it everywhere with her.  Only it was so big and heavy that she kept dropping it.  My solution was to spray paint a few smaller rocks orange and have her big rock stay in her bed.  I’ve found her cuddled up to her big orange rock on several occasions when I’ve peaked in after bedtime.  One time when I was putting away laundry,  she turned in her sleep and bumped her head on her rock.

Today, like most days, she carried two small painted rocks everywhere with her.  She took them to the bus stop, in the store, and into the school when we dropped off and picked up Nicole.  For some reason, she adds an extra ending and calls them her “rockets.”  So several times today as we were out she said: “Oh, No!  My orange rocket!” which meant that she had forgotten to bring one or both of her rocks with her.4.23.12 To the bus stop and back (19)*Ila’s color is orange because she was born in Knoxville, Tennessee (home of the Vols) and if you’re ever in Knoxville on game day you’ll see “a sea of orange.” 

Charlotte and I had a little fight the other morning. . .

This is a longish narrative about one of my experiences being a parent.  It’s not a particularly exciting story, so I’m not really sure why I’m posting it, other than the fact that I haven’t written much about my bigger kids lately.  I think all parents stumble along sometimes and really struggle with what to do and how to be good parents.  I know I certainly do.  So here’s a story that reads like a journal entry (because that’s probably what it should be instead of being a blog post).4.27.12 Playing outside

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