Outings—IKEA and play dough

Our Saturday outing on February 6th really wasn’t that exciting, but I didn’t want to miss a week in my reverse blogging.  I can’t remember what the original plan was, but we didn’t get our Saturday chores done soon enough so we decided to just take a trip to IKEA (just 3 miles away) with the family.  The little girls fell asleep before we were completely through the store:

2.26.11 asleep at IKEA (1)

Based on the other pictures I took that day, we also played with play dough on that Saturday.

2.26.11 Nicole with play-dough (4)

Nicole’s favorite thing to do was to make bears and then have them complain about missing body parts.

Ila’s talking

Ila is a good little talker.  Her vocabulary is growing everyday and it’s often surprising what she can say.  I have recorded a little sample of her vocabulary here:

Listen for the following words:  unbuckle, no, walk, have a good day, and thank you.  She prefers to say “have a good day” over “good-bye” as you may notice at the end.

Here she is saying “Peek-a-boo”  I love that she says all three syllables:

Here she says “apple.”  Apples have become one of her favorite and she requests them everyday.

Here she is calling for Isaac:

Her vocabulary includes:  Charlotte, banana, bubble (when she wants a bath), stinky bottom (she has said these words together as I change her diaper), Mommy, kitty, meow (sounds like mnow), more, Daddy (Daddy always gives her a big kiss so she now says Daddy then makes kissy lips), hi, hello, oh no, uh oh, cracker, and my all time favorite is her “I love you” which she says as she gives me a hug and kiss.

Great Grandma’s House

I blame the fuzzy head that has come with my cold, but I neglected to document the second part of our March 5th adventure which was to stop and visit Zach’s grandmother.  She lives in Seattle and the interesting thing about her house is that every inch of it is covered with plates, music boxes, cuckoo clocks, cups and saucers, and other collectables.  Nicole’s eyes were wide with wonder as she looked around at all the pretty things on the walls:

3.5.11 Great Grandma's House

Ila enjoyed looking around too:

3.5.11 Great Grandma's House (6)

Ila was particularly intrigued by this little music box with a bird in it:

3.5.11 Great Grandma's House (11)

Isaac thought that it was neat that you could walk around in a circle in the house.  I took this little video of him showing how you could start in one room and walk around and end up in the same room through a different door:

Outings-The Lego Store and Sushi

Our Saturday outing for March 5th was the Lego Store.  We gave the kids opportunities to earn a little money during the week so that they could buy something on Saturday.  The Lego store was in a mall in Bellveue, WA.  I left my camera in the van so I only have pictures from my phone for this outing.




The store was crowded and Ila was a handful.  She just wanted to be free to explore on her own.  Charlotte was looking around for something to buy, but she couldn’t find a pink lego set so I asked her if she’d rather spend her money on Legos or Chocolate.  She wanted the Chocolate.  Before we got to the chocolate store, we saw a Jamba Juice and she wanted Juice even more than chocolate.  So she spent some of her money on a peach flavored Jamba.  Which she offered to share with her little sister.CIMG0011

We decided to complete our outing with some Sushi.  We took the kids to Blue C Sushi.  The kids thought it was great because the food came around on a conveyer belt and you just took what you wanted.  The plates are color coded and each color represents a price.   



Isaac’s Second First Grade

Here’s his class picture for his school here in Washington:image1 Also, he wrote me this letter at school one day.  At first I wondered who “Kathliny” was and then I realized that it was me.image0

Saturday Outings—The library

On March 12th, we went to the Renton Library for our Saturday outing.  This library is neat because it’s also a bridge:

It looks like a normal building when you pull into the parking lot, but then you walk around to the entrance (pictured above) and it’s almost startling to see that you’re right on top of the Cedar River.

There’s not much else to say about this outing, but here are some pictures;

3.12.11 library outing (3)3.12.11 library outing (10)3.12.11 library outing (9)

Here is Isaac picking out books with his dad.  He ended up with a selection that included books about the Pueblos, the pyramids, electrical circuits, and frogs.3.12.11 library outing (12)

A Ferry Fun Adventure

We’ve started going on family outings every Saturday and I’ve meant to document them here, but I have not done a good job.  I will start with this last weekend’s adventure and work my way backwards.

We thought the kids would enjoy a ride on the Ferry into Seattle.  We drove to Bremerton, took the Ferry across, then drove home from Seattle.

We drove across the Tacoma Narrows Bridge:

We ate our lunch (sandwiches) in the car as we waited for the Ferry.

3.19.11 Ferry ride outing (1)

We rode on a ferry named Kitsap that boarded at 12:20.

I think the whole family really enjoyed our ferry ride experience and it was neat to see the skyline as we approached the city.  This was the only shot we got of the entire family:

3.19.11 Ferry ride outing (32)

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Birthday Cards

Here are the cards my kids made for their Grandma Cochran.  I love children’s artwork, especially when they start drawing more detailed drawings.  It’s a unique expression of what’s inside their brains.

Here’s Isaac’s letter.  He struggles with writing, but he is getting better.image0 Next is Charlotte’s.  Her card is my favorite because it’s the most unique and creative.  It is composed one piece of paper folded into a card.

Front:image1 Middle:  She asked me to write “I hope you’re having a good birthday” across the top.  The pen mark in the middle is Nicole’s unsolicited addition to the card.  She drew the forklift and then scribbled some blue on it that represents the wrapping paper.  She asked me to make a word bubble that says “I think this is a forklift.”  When she drew the box on the other side she said it goes from black to grey and then she drew a bow on top.  She wanted me to write that there are bananas in the box.image3 Back:  Both pictures are of grandma opening her box of bananas.  The yellow things are bananas.  Once again, she dictated the text that she wanted in word bubbles.  The green grandma makes me laugh because of the detail she added.  That grandma is sitting on a box and has a stomach, bottom, and hair.  She also has very long fingers.image4Nicole’s picture:  As she drew, Nicole said the following things: 

  • It’s Grandma!
  • an elephant!
  • grandpa Bryan
  • I drawed an elevator
  • a toy!
  • She want draw a monkeyimage5  (Did you find all those things in there?  I think the grandma is the circles, the elevator is some veritable lines on the opposite side and I can’t even guess which ones the others are)

And finally, Ila’s drawing:  Nicole reached across to Ila’s picture a few times, so I can’t guarantee that every scribble is Ila’s.image0

Charlotte’s favorite new snack

I had a half a banana leftover and no one wanted to eat it, that is until I cut it up and put a chocolate chip on each slice.  The pieces looked like eyes so I got this idea:


Charlotte loved it and we’ve had this snack everyday since it’s inception.



St. Patrick’s Day

My kids love to celebrate holidays.  Really, they love to celebrate anything and admittedly, I find great joy in creating excitement and doing fun or unusual things.  So while I think I generally like the Irish, any celebrating we do on St. Patrick’s Day is really more for the joy of celebrating.

That being said, we really didn’t do much.  I just turned some food green and we wore green, but it was enough to make the day a little more fun and enough to throw up a quick blog post.  So what did I turn green?  I made a loaf of green bread.  I turned this morning’s eggs green, and I turned Isaac’s apple sauce green.  Is that really worth a blog post, probably not.

Green Bread (I added food coloring at the same time I was adding flour):


Isaac’s Green lunch:


Green Breakfast (I also colored his milk green, but I think that was too much, no one really wanted to drink green milk)



I cut Charlotte’s hair

Perhaps I was a bit hasty.  I realized halfway through the haircut that I was in over my head.  I have cut my girl’s hair before with no problems, but as I cut, I realized that I had IMG_7468 been gradually slanting downwards.  I tried to fix it and ended up cutting it shorter than planned.  I had a terrible time trying to even out the back and the front.  I almost Just quit and took her into a salon with her hair half cut (looking like it does in the picture to the left).  I tried sitting her in front of a mirror and a movie, but she kept turning or tilting her head just as I was going to cut.  Anyway, it took way too long, end ended up shorter than I had planned, and it looked choppy. And they have also said to me that Vampire Hair Treatment is not that costly so people with baldness or frequent hair fall can avail that treatment at affordable price.

When Ila woke up from her nap, I fed the kids and took them to a grocery store that had a salon next to it, but Nicole had a bit of a meltdown as we were leaving the store because I couldn’t fit her and my groceries in the cart and I decided that taking all my girls in for a haircut was just not going to work at that moment.  So I still haven’t taken her in to fix it, but here it is.




IMG_7476IMG_7472 Charlotte looked in the mirror and shook her head from side to side and announced:  “I like it because it has lots of angles!”  She said her father would get home and see all the angles and laugh and laugh.  That evening she proclaimed herself “angley hair Charlotte.”

The Seattle Science Center

We were excited to join Rochelle and her daughter for a trip to the Seattle Science Center.  We went on a free admission (thanks to Fred Meyer) day.  It was nice to get to know Rochelle and see all the neat exhibits. This post is really picture heavy, so you’ll have to click on the link to read more (I didn’t want it to take over my blog).

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Outings–Gym Starz

We’ve had many invitations for playdates and outings since moving to Washington just under two months ago.  It’s been great fun. 

On a recent Thursday, Jessica called us up to see if we wanted to go on an impromptu outing to a place called Gym Starz. 

3.3.11 Gym Starzz (7)

3.3.11 Gym Starzz (6)

The kids had a lot of fun climbing and jumping and running and I enjoyed getting to know Jessica and her cute family a little better.  Unfortunately, I didn’t take any pictures of our kids together, maybe next time.

Ila’s Hair

Ila’s hair is getting long enough to be messy.  Here is her hair after a nap the other day:

3.11.11 Nap hair (2)

3.11.11 Nap hair (3)

I promise that I embellished nothing.  I think she may be entering that awkward in-between stage that all my straight-haired girls have gone through.  This is when I get impatient for pigtail length hair.

Here’s Nicole at that awkward hair length":


Here’s Charlotte:


How/What Nicole eats

This is how Nicole eats an apple:


She starts on one side and eats straight through to the seeds.  Notice that she ate the bottom of the apple.  When she gets to the middle she spits out any parts that she doesn’t like.

Today, I got out some butter to use in our dinner, but I had to go help a child before I could get started.  On my way back to the kitchen, I encountered Nicole holding my stick of butter and preparing to take a second bite.  She was very mad when I took the butter away:


If it was Ila, I probably would have let her eat the butter—she needs the calories (She weighed in at 16 lbs with her diaper and all her clothes on at the Doctor’s last week).

Somewhat Related Comment:  One day I heard Charlotte tell Isaac:  “I know how to turn an apple into an apple core.”

Charlotte’s 5 year Well Check

3.2.11 lunch (4)

Name:  Charlotte Rose Cochran

Age: 5 years, 2 months, 3 weeks, 1 day (on 3/8/11)

Weight: 36 lbs 25th percentile

Length:   40”      5th percentile

I had originally scheduled her for an appointment in TN before we left, but the nurse suggested waiting till after the new year so that her visit could be in the same calendar year that she starts kindergarten.

She was very nervous and sad about the immunizations.  For about two days afterwards she complained that her legs hurt, but she felt much better after some Ibuprophen.  Now the pain is gone and all she has left are a few small bruises where the shots were.

Also, for some reason she likes to randomly say “banana” at various unpredictable times during the day. (I realize that sentence is redundant, but I’ll let it stand).

Another quick job

I haven’t had much time lately to work on unpacking the boxes left in the garage, but I finally organized my spices:IMG_7323

IMG_7324All I really did was write the names on the tops and group them together by type, but it has made them much easier to find and use and it provided me with a good way to inventory my supply. 

Love Notes

Isaac asked if he could hang a post-it note on the bulletin board in the office.  I told him yes, and later found this note posted:


A little while later he wanted me to see what he had made on his Lego Creator:


They made my day!

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