Isaac Lost His First Tooth

Isaac was excited when the dentist told him he’d start losing his teeth when he was six.  On Tuesday evening while our home teacher was over, 7.1.10 Isaac lost a tooth (1) he discovered a wiggling  tooth.  A look of shock quickly turned into a look of excitement when he announced that his tooth wiggled.  He was very excited and even called a few select individuals to announce the news.  He showed every family member, asked if he could tell the childcare staff at the gym, and offered to let his sisters try wiggling it.  He had several questions, but the only one I can remember is the question about if it would hurt when it came out.

Today it just fell out of his mouth as he was eating pretzels.  He excitedly announced that his tooth fell out and that it didn’t hurt at all.  He let everyone see it and encouraged everyone to touch his tooth and the hole in his mouth.  We talked about the new tooth that was already peaking up through his gums and he suggested that maybe when it was all the way through he should mostly eat with that one since it would be the biggest and strongest one.  Tonight he sleeps with the tooth in a Ziploc bag under his pillow.

Mom Tip #5: No one wants to eat a leftover sandwich

Problem:  I always have trouble getting a kid to finish a leftover sandwich, however I also don’t want to throw away a sandwich with only a bite or two out of it.image

Solution:  Cut the sandwich into bite-sized pieces and provide toothpicks.

Somehow this just works. The kids think it’s fun to eat with toothpicks and it no longer matters that the sandwich has been sitting in the fridge since yesterday.

Other applications:  I have actually used the toothpick trick on a variety of leftovers.  My kids will eat almost anything if you give them a toothpick to eat it with.

Ila update

Six months old seems like the turning point for so many things.  I started Ila on solids which she hated initially.  6.29.10 Ila (5)She had the worst reaction of any of my kids.  She’d scream every time I tried to give her a bite and stop screaming when I was not trying to feed her solids.  I contemplated putting the pureed green beans away and trying again when she was older, but luckily I kept at it.  It took about 2 weeks of offering her green beans every day before she started eating them happily.  I kept her on green beans for a few days after she started liking them before introducing her second food, peas.  Now she’s on her 3rd day of peas and seems to have taken to them more quickly.  Now she seems to enjoy solids and eats about 2 teaspoons 3 times a day.  I also put her in a booster seat a few days ago and she did just fine.  Since then she has taken all her meals in it and sometimes plays with toys or bangs the tray while I make dinner.

She’s become quite good at rolling over and can surprise me with how quickly she moves from one place to another.  She’s much happier playing with toys on the floor than she was even a few weeks ago.

She has started sitting and can sit without support, although it usually doesn’t take long before she topples over and she cannot get back into sitting position on her own.  Here’s a little video I took yesterday:

She outgrew the baby bath.  She’s a small baby and still fits in the bath, however she tries to sit up and it’s just not made for that.  I switched her over to this bath support and she does great in it.  She doesn’t need any additional support.6.29.10 IlaShe also has an adorable closed mouth smile.  Every time I try to take a picture of it, it changes into a big mouth smile or shocked camera face.  This was the best I could do:6.25.10 Ila Jane (1) We have mostly taken away her pacifier.  I keep one in the diaper bag that I often find attached to her bib when I pick her up from the childcare at the gym.  I never use it at home, but I did use it on Sunday when Zach was on the stand for the first time and I was by myself with the kids.  Incidentally, I tried giving her a bottle on Sunday at church and she would not drink it, she only drinks her milk right from the source.

Mom Tip #4: How to make apples more appealing.

Problem:  Kids have discovered less healthy snacks and apples are no longer 6.26.10 apple sticks (1)appealing.  This trick can also solve the problem of finding an apple that one kid sampled and no longer wants to finish.

Solution:  Cut them into sticks

Sometimes it’s just that simple.  There’s something fun about eating apples in thin strips.  It’s like apple fries.  The other day my kids wanted cheesy crackers and rejected my counter offer of apples, until I cut them into long thin slices.  I felt victorious as they consumed the apples and forgot all about the crackers.

The Trophy Giver

Charlotte dubbed herself “The Trophy Giver.”   She was building with blocks and built a  trophy for me.  I asked her what it was for and she said it was for “cleaning up.”  Then she asked me to make trophies with her. IMG_0637 I made a yellow one which she said was for Ila for “wiggling.”  A blue and green one was for Isaac for “playing games.”  A red one had to be for grandma, even though grandma says her favorite color is blue-green, Charlotte knows it’s really red.  She said that Grandma’s trophy was for “doing all the things that she does”.  She also said that “when Grandma gets tired of doing all the things that she does then she would have to sleep.”  Grandpa’s trophy was for “all the time he is with grandma.”  Later she put the trophies for Grandma and Grandpa together and said that the trophy was “for both of them for all the time they spend together.  Dad’s trophy was for playing more games than Isaac and she gave herself a trophy for someone who likes pink.

As we skyped she said she would give Aunt Hedi a trophy for something but I can’t remember what it was, I just remember that it was amusing.  She thought Aunt Laresa should have a trophy for being good and Aunt Bethani would have a trophy for being happy and having orange hair.

Handy Feet

I don’t know if this is a particularly unique thing or if I’ve just never noticed it in my other children, but when Ila is laying on her back and I give her a toy, she’ll play with it in her hands then transfer it to her feet and hold it with her feet.  I noticed her doing that repeatedly with a variety of toys. 6.25.10 Ila6.25.10 Ila (1) THE END

Charlotte Quotes and a Story

“I have a frown because I have my favorite cup, but not my favorite, favorite cup.”

“Do you know that carrots like to be food?” (the picture below is of a carrot on a toothpick, referred to by Charlotte as a “Carrot Popsicle”)6.17.10 Isaac's Birthday (59)Last week we were at the park for a High Priest social, when Charlotte announced that she had to go.  I took her to the bathroom and then decided that I should go as well.  Unfortunately, I neglected to notice that there was no toilet paper in my stall until it was too late.  I called to Charlotte and asked for some toilet paper.  She passed the most pathetic single ply I had ever seen under the stall to me.  So I asked for more.  Again she sent one little single ply.  So I told her that I needed 5 pieces of toilet paper.  She sent back one ply ripped into 5 pieces!  Thanks Charlotte!

One of my Favorite Children’s Authors: Mo Willems

Our first introduction to Mo Willems was his book Time to Pee!image I love this book because it’s very practical and straight forward.  It included all the necessary steps and illustrated the feelings a child might have when potty training.  The pictures are fun and whimsical.  It quickly became our favorite potty training book.  Here are some pictures of some of the pages:image image image imageHe writes a similarly styled book called Time to say Please which I also like.  I have to admit to not being as thrilled with his Pigeon series which is his most well known.

We have recently discovered his Elephant and Piggie first reader series which is a collection of silly books where the main Characters are “an optimistic (and sometimes reckless) pig and a cautious, pessimistic elephant.” (copied from Editorial Reviews). imageI really like this easy reader series because Mo Willems is able to provide an amusingly silly story with a small amount of simple vocabulary.  Most beginning reader books are very dull in my opinion, so Mo Willem’s collection has been a great find!image

imageAnyway, if you’re looking for a good easy reader, I recommend Mo Willem’s Elephant and Piggie Series.

It’s a good thing she’s so cute. . .

. . .because otherwise she’d be in a lot of trouble right now. . .6.16.10 Nicole This evening, Nicole followed me into the bathroom and sat on the little potty pretending to go.  I handed her a piece of toilet paper which she used to “wipe” her diaper.  After putting the kids to bed, I discovered this:IMG_0558 That’s right.  It’s the entire roll of toilet paper unrolled and filling up the toilet with the empty roll on top.  Thanks, Nicole!

I heart my gym

I joined a gym this month (Fort Sanders Health and Fitness) and so far I’m loving it.  I’ve joined gyms before, but I always feel guilty leaving my kids in the childcare so I’ve always quit going after a short while.

What really sold me on this gym is that the childcare is great.  They put a bracelet on my wrist and on my children’s wrists (except for Ila who gets one on her ankle).  The bracelets have each child’s name, a check-in number to help them quickly locate info like my phone number and where I said I’d be, and the time that they came in.

They’ll take kids age 6 weeks-6 years in KidCity.  They have multiple rooms including a separate room for coloring, a movie room (which I’ve never seen my kids go into), and a main play area.  I know they also have bathrooms, but I’m not sure if they have more rooms than that.  They don’t allow parents to go back there for safety reasons.  The play room has a variety of toys, a line of baby swings, exersaucers, rocking chairs, and other such things as well as big plastic castles that the kids can climb in.  The staff is friendly and kind and they recognize all of my kids and know them by name, plus they change diapers and feed babies.  At least they would feed my baby if she’d take a bottle.  They have a place for you to list feeding instructions including bottle warming instructions.

The rule is that they’ll take each kid for up to two hours, then after a break of  three hours or more, they’ll take the kids for another two hours.  Although I’ve taken the kids twice in one day a few times, I usually only use the first two hours.

KidCity provides classes for the kids.  I love watching the classes, it distracts me more than anything else while I exercise.  Here are some pictures of the kickstart class:

They set up an obstacle course and do a variety of fun activities.  In the picture below, the kids are sitting on boards with wheels and maneuvering around obstacles.IMG_0288They gather on the rug in the middle to sing songs and receive instructions. They have some games and activities that they do each time and a few activities that they rotate.  IMG_0293 They take the kids to and from classes using a rope which the kids hold onto.IMG_0297They have several other classes, but kickstart is the only one that I took pictures of.  Nicole attends a class for 2 and 3 year-olds called “Bouncercize” where they do various activities with hula hoops, balls, and other things.

Fort Sanders has a separate area for the kids who are 6-11.  Six-year-olds can choose which group they want to be in.  The area for the older kids is called KidFit.  KidFit has activites designed for older kids.  They provide computers, air hockey, ping pong, foosball, a climbing wall, and other such activities.  They also offer classes that are different than the ones offered for younger children.  Isaac really liked the air hockey on his first day.

We’ve gone to the gym every weekday since we joined, with the exception of Isaac’s birthday.  I was worried about giving up my mornings to go to the gym because that was typically my most productive cleaning time.  The kids were calmer and much less needy in the morning.  Going to the gym, however, has changed our day.  Since they’re able to get some of their energy out in the morning and participate in a variety of activities at the gym, they are less restless and crazy in the afternoon and I find that I have a similar amount of cleaning time.

The childcare at the gym has also allowed me to start doing some tutoring with my older children.  I drop Ila and Nicole off at KidCity and then take Isaac and Charlotte to another area of the gym where we practice reading, writing, and math.  Then I drop them off so that I can exercise and shower.

Fort Sanders has 4 pools and with the free childcare I can actually take my kids swimming whenever I want.  Our favorite is the baby pool because my three oldest children can walk around the entire pool without getting their faces wet.  They have lifeguards on duty that will come sit by the pool and watch the kids too.  This was particularly nice the day that Nicole started wandering away from the pool and I was able to follow her without leaving my other kids unattended (my kids happened to be the only ones in the pool on that occasion, so we had our own lifeguard).  6.7.10 fitness center kid pool (8)

They also provide lots of extras like a towel service (they provide clean towels for showers or the pool or for just wiping away sweat), shampoo, body wash, shaving gel, hairspray, lotion, and aerosol deodorant.  I love the towel service since it means that I don’t have to bring our own towels for swimming or showering.

We’ve even started having Zach take the kids to the gym on Saturdays.  He exercises, sits in the hot tub, and showers while they watch the kids and I get some much needed kid-free time that I can use to clean the house and prepare it for Sunday.

I was starting to worry one day as I brought my kids to the gym that they were going to hate me for bringing so many kids so often, but when I walked into kidcity,  a girl said “oh Ila, my favorite!”  She told me that she thought my kids were the best siblings there because they took care of each other.  It made my day and helped me feel good about the people taking care of my kids.  One time when my cousin Natalie and I had arranged to go swimming with us, Natalie got to KidCity first and asked if Ila was there yet.  The girl responded with “oh, Ila’s coming?  I love Ila.”  It was probably the same girl, but it still gives me great peace to know that she’s not screaming and miserable while she’s there.

And that’s the other great thing.  My cousin Brent’s wife Natalie is a member of the same gym and we see each other several times a week and our kids go to classes together. 

This blog is way too long.  Thanks for reading. 


How the rest of his day was spent.

After the birthday party we had some time before our evening activities.  I took Isaac and Charlotte to the library, then helped Isaac build a Lego set (Ila supervised in her Bumbo).  Isaac and Charlotte played Uno with grandma Bunny and uncle Bryan as I unloaded the dishwasher and prepped for dinner.6.17.10 Isaac's Birthday (11)My Aunt Dee and my Cousin Brent and his family joined us for dinner, presents, cake and games.  Isaac was pleased with the large stack of presents.

6.17.10 Isaac's Birthday (14)

We tried to slow him down and remind him to be grateful, but for some reason he seemed to act like he was in a race to open every one.6.17.10 Isaac's Birthday (16)

  Here’s a shot of some of the family that was there for his birthday:6.17.10 Isaac's Birthday (21) The kids ended the day with movie night.  Charlotte and Jackson made beds on the floor in Isaac and Nicole’s room and watched Shaun the Sheep until they fell asleep.  The adults played games until almost 11:00.

Isaac’s 6th Birthday Party

Isaac requested a chocolate cake with a picture of the inside of a machine on top.  My mom and I created this the night before:6.16.10 Isaac's cake (1) After failing to make little broken wires to go in the broken cable we just put the cable back together.  It was suppose to be a water pipe, but the store I went to had black food coloring, but not silver, so it ended up looking more like cables then pipes.6.16.10 Isaac's cake (2)Isaac wanted a birthday party.  He wanted to invite his entire kindergarten class with the exception of the two “naughtiest boys.”  He thought maybe they could come, but they’d have to pay him $100.  We debated numbers and decided he could invite his 6 best friends.  I called one of his best friends to make sure that she could come on that date and time so he’d have at least one of his really good friends there.invitation

Unfortunately, none of his school friends came.  The one who said she could make it, canceled the day before because they had some family come into town.  We called another boy who said he could come, but then woke up with a cough and stayed home.  Isaac was a little disappointed, but he did have his friend Adam from Church and my cousin’s 3-year old son, Jackson came as well.

As I started writing up a schedule, I couldn’t decide where to put each activity.  I knew I wanted the Airblox first as people were arriving and an open ended activity at the end in case the other activities went quickly.  So I listed all the activities, laminated the paper, cut them up, and had the kids draw the next activity.6.17.10 Isaac's Birthday (3)It was a hot day.  We started out with Airblox.  Isaac was quite sweaty when they came in afterwards.6.17.10 Isaac's Birthday (34)The kids wrote their names with Twislers Pull ‘n Peels, and then they ate them.

6.17.10 Isaac's Birthday (44)

They drew cake next, which was just as well because some of the kids were impatient for cake.  The first cake I made was not cooked completely in the middle (I know, I should have used the toothpick test—I did for the second cake).  We cut the outside ring of the undercooked cake into pieces which we decorated for each kid.  The mini-cakes had the first letter in each kid’s name and a gear.6.17.10 Isaac's Birthday (47)

  For the next activity, they had toothpicks, marshmallows, and gumdrops that they could use to build structures with.6.17.10 Isaac's Birthday (52) After opening a present from his friend, we started the Kikko building races.  The kids were shown a demonstration and then given a model Kikko structure to build.  The first kid to complete the model got a small candy bar.  The models got increasingly harder.  After some races, the kids built their own designs for a little while.6.17.10 Isaac's Birthday (57)After playing, we built lunch.  The kids each got to build their own pizza on a pita bread with sauce, cheese, and pepperoni.   Each kid left the party with a helium balloon and a gift bag.IMG_0503

Ila’s 6 Month Well Check


Name:  Ila Jane Cochran

Age:  6 months, 8 days

Weight: 12 lbs 15 oz         5th percentile

Length:   24 1/4 inches       5th percentile

Head Circumference: 43 cm     60th percentile

Last well check (4 month) comparison: 

Age = +2m 1wk, weight = +1 lb 11 oz, length = +1 1/2 inches, head = +2 cm

Joyful Day

Six years ago yesterday Kathleen and I checked into the hospital expecting to have a kid.  As the day went on, we waited for our boy to come.  Well, he was a stubborn kid.  I took this picture out the window as the sun was setting:

Well, it was early the next morning before Isaac got here.  I’m sure many of you know the instant love and joy that you feel when a new child is born.  This was the first time I felt it, and while I feel the same when each child is born, it’s always as if it’s the first time.

Here’s the boy and his mom:

What a great day.  It felt like we were finally a family. 

Jerry and Taina

We’ve got this great new family scheduled to be baptized into our church.  Their names are Jerry and Taina and they have a son who will be 2 next month (also named Jerry).

In order to be baptized, they first had to be married and luckily, the church offers this service for free.    We’re very excited to be having them join the church because they love the gospel and are excited to become members.  They have great developing testimonies.IMG_0328-1Taina is 9 months pregnant and is scheduled to be induced tomorrow morning (her due date is Thursday).  I was a little worried that she’d miss the wedding in order to have the child, but luckily that didn’t happen.

Zach let Isaac take a few pictures with my camera.  Isaac was very shy, but he managed to take this picture of the cake:IMG_0303 A picture of the kitchen:IMG_0310 and a plant:IMG_0305 Little Jerry (pictured below) will be 2 in July and on the day of the wedding he was running around hugging everyone.  Ila was his favorite person to hug.  He’d run right up and hug her and she’d laugh and pull his hair, yet he was patent with her and didn’t get mad.IMG_0313-2Here’s a picture of Zach trying to become invisible so the kid behind him could see better, it didn’t work.IMG_0311I think the cake was their favorite part.  In fact, when I told them about the wedding they weren’t too thrilled till I mentioned that there’d be cake.IMG_0337 Charlotte decided that she’d been photographed enough, she was probably right.IMG_0336


For some reason, Nicole has had a rough time sleeping the last few nights.  She usually sleeps all through the night with no trouble (except for maybe a little trouble falling to sleep sometimes).

It started with her crying in her bed at 1:30 AM two nights ago.  That night I went in and calmed her down, but it wasn’t 5 minutes before she was crying again.  I spent the rest of the night trying to help her go back to sleep.  She’d seem to nod off to sleep, only to wake up after only a few minutes crying and needing to be consoled again.  Finally morning came and I gave up trying to help her fall asleep and gave her breakfast.   6.9.10 Nicole (1)

The entire next day she seemed sleepy, but wasn’t able to nap.  She had moments of being fun and perky, but she kept laying her head down on the couch or on my lap.  When she did nod off, she’d wake up crying after only a few moments.  She walked slowly, her lids seemed to droop, and it looked like she was developing dark circles under her eyes.  When bedtime came she went to her bed and just stood there staring at her bed as if unable to muster the energy to climb in.  I tucked her in to bed thinking she’d happily sleep the night away, but she didn’t.  Soon she was crying again.  Zach and I both went in to calm her at different times.  I even said a little prayer next to her bed.  Zach took her to our room with her water bottle and Curious George.  I slept on the couch (I was exhausted from being up all night with her the night before).  I was hopeful in the morning because I hadn’t heard her cry, but later that evening, Zach reported that she woke up repeatedly.

She spent the second day similar to the first.  She was tired the entire day, but couldn’t really nap.  She fell asleep briefly at Kid City (child care at the gym) and when I looked in the windows I saw her in someone’s arms, not playing with toys.  The entire day she wanted nothing more than to be held and read to and she was cranky.6.10.10 Nicole (1)

When dinnertime rolled around she was so exhausted and grumpy that she refused to eat dinner and laid on the floor crying.  Zach picked her up and put her in her bed to calm down, but when he looked in again, she was sound asleep.  It’s now 5 1/2 hours later and she’s still sound asleep. 

Could she have been having nightmares?  She doesn’t seem sick in any other way.

Oh, Man!

Here’s a little Nicole clip to go with the Ila clip that I successfully posted moments ago. 

For some unknown reason, Nicole just started saying “oh, man” and I thought it was cute so I got out my camera.  Maybe she was saying it because she was really tired from waking up repeatedly last night, who knows what happens in the brain of a 2-year-old?!


Ila, 6 months old

This is my first attempt to post a video that I uploaded to YouTube.  In the video, Ila is squeaking, smiling, and “talking.”  I think she’s adorable, but you can see for yourself.

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