Mom Tip #3: Getting kids to eat/finish Bananas

Problem:  After a bite or two, a child has decided that (s)he no longer wants to eat a banana.  image

Solution:  Chocolate Syrup.

Most of the time that my kids ask for a banana, they eat it with no problems, but on occasion they’ll decide they don’t want to finish a banana.  I found that if I cut it up into slices and pour a little chocolate syrup on top they’ll eat the rest of the banana and ask for more.  While this isn’t the healthiest snack, it could be considered a slightly healthier bribe alternative or dessert.  You do run the risk of having the child think (s)he needs chocolate syrup on every banana, but somehow I’ve avoided that.  I think I told them that it’s a special treat.

I’ve also added left over whipped cream instead of chocolate for a banana treat.

Curious George

Nicole’s favorite show is Curious George, and by favorite I mean it’s the only show she’ll watch.  She hands me the remote and says either “George, where are you?” or “Ready, Set, Go!”  I can’t decide which I like better.  The last few days she has been carrying around Curious George books constantly.  She doesn’t just carry the books around, she sits in my lap and says “hands” so that I’ll hold the book in my hands and then flips through pages, only sometimes allowing me to read each page completely.

This picture is great because in it she’s watching Curious George, with her stuffed Curious George next to her, and she’s holding two Curious George books. 6.5.10 Nicole (4) She insists on sleeping with the plush Curious George every night.  She lays right on it and often carries it around during the day, it’s already needed to be mended twice!4.29.10 Nicole

Mom Tip #2: Cookie-Cutter Sandwiches

Problem:  Child doesn’t want to eat anything good for them.

Solution:  Make boring food exciting by letting them cut their food into a shape with imagecookie cutters. You can look into if you are interested in opening a sandwich franchise or other food-related businesses.

My story:  Ok, so I know I’m not the only one who has ever done this, but I felt pretty  brilliant when I did.  Here’s my story:  For anyone who doesn’t know, Charlotte can be very stubborn.  One day she had decided that the only thing she was willing to eat for lunch was candy (or something sweet, but I think it was candy).  She descended into a kicking and screaming fit over my unwillingness to give her candy as her lunch. I insisted that she eat something good for her first.  I don’t remember how long it went on, but she spent a considerable amount of time crying before I had the idea to get out the cookie cutters.  I got them out and asked her if she’d eat a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich cut into a shape, then she could have some candy.   As I remember, she actually stopped crying and ate the entire sandwich, crust and all and forgot about the candy completely.  I remember feeling like I had just won a hard fought battle.

It’s really hard to tell. . .

Charlotte:  Sometimes Ila looks like me.  She looks like me when we both wear our kitty pajamas.  Do you think you might not be able to tell us apart when we are both wearing our kitty pajamas?IMG_0127


We joined a new gym this week and our membership came with some free classes.  Tonight we thought we’d try out the Karate.The age range was 4-13 so, as you can imagine, Isaac and Charlotte were possibly the smallest kids in there, but there were a few other small kids.  I don’t think they knew what was going on for much of the class.

I took this picture from outside the door, before I realized I could go in and sit in the back.IMG_0133They did kicks and then turned to all face a different way.  Charlotte didn’t seem to understand.  She was facing the wrong way the whole time. IMG_0134Maybe it was because they were afraid, but Isaac and Charlotte held hands for much of the first part.  It was really funny to see them trying to do kicks while holding hands.  They asked the students to pick a partner and their was no doubt who they’d pair up with. IMG_0136 They did this activity where Isaac held Charlotte’s feet and Charlotte walked with her hands.IMG_0137They also did leap frog.  I think I was the only one taking pictures so I didn’t take too many.  I wish I had gotten a few better shots.IMG_0142They lined up and got a chance to break a board.  Here’s Charlotte breaking one with her foot.  I didn’t get a picture of Isaac doing it.  I was mostly trying to stay out of the way. and sit in the back.IMG_0147I asked them afterwards if they liked the class and they said that they did.  On the way home Isaac asked me if I had any boards that I didn’t need.    He also announced that after three more classes he thought he could break a board as hard as a brick.

Bath time for Ila

My girls love to help me bathe their baby sister.  If Nicole hears me mention that Ila needs to have a bath, she’ll run into the kitchen and pull a chair up to the counter by the sink.  IMG_0117IMG_0120IMG_0121

Mom Tip #1: Serve Vegetables First

I love this idea because it solves two problems:  image

1.) impatient, hungry children and

2.) getting kids to eat more vegetables.

Problem:   It happens all too often when I’m  preparing dinner and the children suddenly decide that they’re starving and they can’t wait another minute.  I don’t want to feed them their dinner early and miss out on having dinner as a family when their Dad comes home.

Solution:  Give them their vegetables first.   I tell them something along the lines of:  “we’re going to eat the rest of our dinner with Dad, but if you’re too hungry to wait, then you can eat your broccoli while you wait.”  My kids do like vegetables, so they usually don’t complain and they eagerly eat the offered vegetables.  If they do complain I usually tell them something along the lines of.  “That’s ok, if you don’t want to eat broccoli, then you can just wait till Dad is home and eat the rest of the food when we eat as a family.”  I just leave it at that and don’t allow any bargaining.

image It works great for me.  The kids stop complaining and they eat more vegetables than they would have if the vegetables were served along with the rest of the food.  Today they finished all of the broccoli and cauliflower before dinner even started and bargained with each other for who got to eat the last bite of broccoli.

Other applications:  It also works great for lunch or snack.  I serve them a progressive lunch or snack starting with the healthiest thing and progressing through the offerings in order of nutritional value.  Sometimes they’re full before I even get a chance to make the less healthy main course of Mac N Cheese or frozen pizza.  It sounds complicated, but it’s really not.  It can be as simple as giving them carrot sticks or apple slices to munch on while you make their peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Mom Tips

Every so often I come up with an idea that I think is brilliant.  It’s probably not that amazing, but I get excited about it and think I’m really smart.  So I decided to post my “mom tips” as a celebration of the awesomeness that I feel when I had an idea that ended up being successful.  I don’t have these strokes of genius very often, but I’ve been saving up a few so I may start off strong and then taper off dramatically. 

(Also, I have this secret goal of trying to write a post almost everyday—now it’s not so secret, but I’ve been doing well so far—knock on wood).

Hint, hint!

For some reason, Charlotte likes to hint about what she wants rather than just ask for it.  Most of her hinting is about food or candy.  She’ll say something like:

“what is that?  Is it chocolate?  I like chocolate.  Chocolate is brown.” 

She’ll keep describing what she wants, but never really ask for it5.31.10 Memorial Day (13) until you ask her if she wants some.  Then she’ll sweetly say “yes!”  My favorite instance of this was our  last Sunday in Orem when Grandma and Grandpa Cochran came to see the kid’s primary program.  Charlotte was visiting with her grandparents when I heard her say:

“that candy is not in my mouth.”

I think it was last week that we had the following conversation as I was sitting in my rocking chair feeding Ila.

Charlotte:  “Mom, do you know how to spell Tom and Jerry?”

Me:  “Yes”

Charlotte:  “That’s the grey remote.”

Charlotte:  “You can skip with that remote.”

Charlotte:  “how you skip is, you push on the dotted arrow button”

Me:  “Charlotte, would you like me to turn on Tom and Jerry?”

Charlotte:  “Yes!”


Nicole had so much fun swimming yesterday, that she really wanted to go again today. She put her arms in this swimsuit and walked around the house crying “water, water” IMG_0110It was a clever communicative idea, but even falling to the floor crying didn’t get her to the pool. IMG_0111Poor little thing, maybe I’ll take her tomorrow, I’m thinking I might join a gym with a pool that can babysit my other kids while I take them swimming one at a time. IMG_0112

Memorial Day Swim and BBQ

We were lucky to be able to spend part of memorial day at my Aunt Dee’s house today.  My cousin Brent was there with his wife (Natalie) and sons (Jackson and Sam).  My cousin Brittany was also there as well as my uncle Toby and his wife (Marianne). I really like this picture of my uncle Toby and Brent’s son, Sam. 5.31.10 Memorial Day (33)The highlight of the day for my kids was probably the swimming.  For logistical reasons (I don’t know how I could safely take all 4 of my kids swimming by myself) the kids don’t get to go swimming often.  They had a lot of fun. 

Isaac really enjoyed the pool.  At first he was afraid and worried that his face would get wet.  At one point he says he went too deep, but was able to swim to safety.  I didn’t actually see him do this, but when I asked him to swim on his own again, he said he can only do it in an emergency and then remarked how great it was that he could swim in an emergency.  He did quite well swimming and adventuring farther with Jackson’s life vest on.  The vest is pictured below on some of his sisters—it’s this kind. 5.31.10 Memorial Day (44)Charlotte was probably the most scared.  She didn’t want to get her face wet, but really enjoyed floating around using Jackson’s life jacket.  She also had fun swimming and playing in the pool with Brittany and Natalie.5.31.10 Memorial Day (26)Nicole loved the water and was my most fearless child.  As I was putting sun block on all the kids she either jumped or fell in.  I hard a splash and reached down to retrieve her from the water.  She was a little surprised, but otherwise fine.  She even allowed me to dunk her a few times.

5.31.10 Memorial Day (28)

Ila tolerated the pool ok, she didn’t seem particularly happy or sad while in the pool, except for the initial shock of the cold water on her feet which she got over in only about a second.  She spent most of her time in the pool in my arms, but did try the floatation device that Nicole is pictured in below and seemed to like it ok.

5.31.10 Memorial Day (27)When Zach came, I turned Ila over to him and she was content to sit in his lap and fall asleep while we swam5.31.10 Memorial Day (46)Check out more pictures of the kids in the pool here.

Also, here is a picture of Ila’s foot next to Sam’s foot.  Can you guess whose foot belongs to who? 5.31.10 Memorial Day (51) Find the answer here.

The End of Yard Bunnies

Zach has enjoyed having these bunnies nesting in the yard.  He was checking on them daily and inviting the children out to see them.  The last few days he’s gone so far as to extract the little critters from their home.  Their eyes have opened up and they’re now furry and as they grow they have become more and more able.  IMG_0023 The last few times he had taken them out, one has made a run for it (or a hop for it to be more literal) and Zach has had to chase it down before putting it back in it’s nest.  IMG_0021 Yesterday he had a bunny out and had somehow scared it.  The bunny started making this noise which must be some sort of warning call because all of the bunnies hopped out of the nest and hopped off in every direction.  Three of them made it across the street and into a thicket.  The forth one was captured and put back into his nest, but he jumped out again.  Zach went inside for a short time before venturing out in search of the bunnies only to scare the mother bunny as she came back to gather her babies.  Long story short, we no longer have a nest of bunnies in the front yard.

Moving Out

(Here’s another cross post.  Our assignment for the Cochran family blog is to write about the first time we moved out so I thought I’d post a copy here as well).

I moved out for the first time about two weeks after I graduated from High school.  I packed my bags and flew to Utah for school, leaving behind almost everyone I knew.  I decided to write about my first year of college because it just blended right into my story about moving out.

My last Sunday at church was the day of my little brother Bryan’s baptism.  My siblings and I all sang the primary song “When I am Baptized” and by the end of it we were all crying.  It was also the day of Barbara’s mission farewell.  I remember my mother spoke in church and told stories about how Barb had prepared for her mission.  Many of the stories were comical stories from her childhood.   She told about when Barb was really  little and there was nothing in the fridge except frosting and carrots so Barb dipped the carrots in the frosting and ate them (showing resourcefulness, I think).  I also remember that when she talked about me going off to college, she started to cry.

My whole family came to the airport to see us off and most of us cried.  Back then you could go right up to the gate and wait until the person boarded the plane.

I arrived at my apartment late at night in Provo, Utah.  I remember feeling a thrill of excitement as I lugged my suitcases up two flights of stairs to my apartment on the third floor.  I was excited to be on my own for the first time and to be going to BYU.  I lived in apartment #3 at Nelson Apartments (at the corner of 200 East and 300 North in Provo).  We used to call it Nel-SLUM.  We had the nicest apartment in the complex because a few years back there had been a fire in the apartment and when they fixed it up, they put in nicer kitchen cabinets and paint.  The building had a tiny laundry room with maybe two coin operated washing machines and dryers.image0

image1 My sister was leaving for her mission in a few months and she had arranged for me to move in with her and her roommates.  I remember my roommates at Nelson were Sandy, Joyce , and Annette.  I think Annette and Joyce moved in when Barb left for her mission.  I remember that Sandy had a car, but I don’t think the rest of us did.  I walked almost everywhere I went.  I walked to school and to the grocery store.  Smith’s was the closest grocery store and I mostly didn’t mind the walk, but it always seemed the longest when I bought milk.  I remember my hands would hurt by the time I got home with my gallon of milk in one hand and the rest of my grocery bags in the other.image2

I got a job at BYU catering just before school started.  It was the only job I applied for and I had applied for it because I had a job working for Heidelberg cafeteria while in high school and  I had worked as a caterer a time or two through that job.

Barbara had registered me for all my classes.  At that time registration was done by touch tone phone.  She looked up what she thought was my major and picked out a good selection of freshman classes.  She did a good job except that she signed me up for the elementary ed science class which meant I had to take two semesters of a physical science to complete the requirement instead of one.

My ward included our little apartment complex and a few blocks with houses.  Nelson Apartments was made up of two buildings, one men’s and one women’s.  The bottom floor apartments housed married couples and small families.  It wasn’t the ideal place for my first year.  Most of the students living this far off of campus where older.  I remember the guys that we spent the most time with were all 27 (I was 18).  Add to that the fact that my sister had lived in that ward for a little while and I immediately had my identity as Barb’s little sister and I felt like most people in the ward thought of me as a child and I felt like my dating opportunities in the ward were limited.

I remember being a little lonely at first.  My first week there I met a boy with curly brown hair.  I can’t remember his name.  I think we had the door open with a fan in it and I was doing dishes in the kitchen (funny how I can remember those details).  He stopped in and asked my name.  I think he stayed and talked for awhile.  I saw him several times over the next few days.  I think my sister Barbara was upset one day when she came home and he had his arm around me as we were watching a movie at our apartment.  That night she lectured me about men and about how I needed to be careful.  I remember her citing a high divorce rate among young naive BYU students.  It wasn’t long after that before I decided on my own that I wasn’t really interested in spending any more time with that boy.  

I made friends with our next door neighbor, Kim.  We’d sit outside and talk at night.  She was one of our family home evening group leaders. I think she went on her mission after Summer semester.

I went to freshmen orientation soon after moving out there and met a red-headed boy named Sam.  He called me up and asked me if I wanted to go out to Zuka Juice with him.  I accepted and told my roommates we were going to Bazooka Joes (I obviously hadn’t heard him right).  We started spending more and more time together.  I was dating him in August when my family came out to see Barbara off on her mission.  He was from Virginia.  I remember one time he invited me over to his apartment after class for dinner.  He had made lasagna.  When I told a friend about it she said he must be really serious about me if he made lasagna because of all the work that went into making it.  I remember going on walks with him on the little pathways around BYU campus.  One time he told me that he thought I was so beautiful that he didn’t know why I wasn’t married yet.  I laughed and told him I was a freshman, I’d only been away from home for a few months.  I think he was starting to get really serious and I still hadn’t decided if I really liked him.  I must have gone to some family event with him because I remember being alone in a suburban with his older sister and she told me that I needed to tell him how I felt about him  (at that point I didn’t really know how I felt about him).  I ended the relationship by telling him that I didn’t think I was ready for marriage yet.  In my mind that was a lie because I did want to get married and I wasn’t opposed to getting married as a freshman, I had just decided that I didn’t want to marry him and I didn’t want to hurt his feelings.

I went with my home teacher to Brigham City for Thanksgiving that year and was excited to be able to go home for Christmas.  When I walked in the door, Bryan was watching a Home Alone movie.  He came over to me and felt my face as if not sure it was really me, then he gave me a big hug.

I think I ended up a little off topic.  That was most of the first part of Freshman Year.


Zach pulled the little bunnies out today to show the kids.  They’re silly little things.  Two of them tried to hop away and had to be chased down the first time he pulled them out.IMG_9941 Here’s a better shot of the little guy (or gal, who knows).IMG_9936 And this one’s good for more perspective on their size.IMG_9937

“Birds of a Feather Get-Together”

My mom is the one who gets credit for naming this one, for those who don’t know, my maiden name is Bird. imageIt started out that Sarah wanted a chance to see as many sibs as she could while she was visiting with her family from Oregon and it ended up that all of my siblings were able to come up and almost all of us slept in the same house, Lee was the exception because he lives nearby.  The rest of this post comes with lots of pictures.

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I get very impatient to get everything cleaned up and back to normal after a trip and today as I sat in my chair feeding Ila, I was surrounded by a mess of suitcases and laundry.  I felt overwhelmed and stressed and I thought of this analogy for how I felt.

It was like I was in a boat with a hole in it that was filling upimage with water as I was trying to bail it out.  I just couldn’t keep up with the water coming in and I couldn’t plug the hole.  As I push myself really hard,  the water seems to be emptying, but then my bailing slows as children demand my attention and the boat fills back up. For safety boat supplies, people can find more info here and also get them delivered.

I have those days sometimes where the harder I push myself to accomplish something, the more the kids need me and it’s like walking in quicksand and the harder I try to move forward the deeper I sink.

In the end I got a lot done today.  The suitcases got unpacked, I did 3 batches of laundry, took care of 4 kids and ended the day with a mostly clean house (I still have a stack of mail and papers to sort).

Sometimes I wonder if the amount of stress I feel when my house is not perfectly clean is normal or if I am driving myself into some sort of psychosis.

Checking on the baby bunnies

Their mom is feeding them about once a night, between 7 and 9 PM.  They look pretty healthy; their eyes are opening and their fur is growing.  I try not to bug them more than it takes to peek in and make sure they’re fat and healthy.

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