Nicole’s Birthday Celebration

When we were kids, my mom did lots of little things to make our birthdays great.  It was like the whole day was a celebration.  We got to sit in the front seat and mom would fix our favorite food for dinner.  I try to do the same thing for my kids, so I did my best to fill Nicole’s special day with the things she likes to do.

Zach picked up some balloons the night before and we put them in her room after she fell asleep.  So that she’d wake up to them.5.6.10 Nicole's BirthdayI heard her call out in the morning when she woke up.  She grabbed a hold of the balloons and held onto them as I changed her diaper and put on her pants (I left the PJ shirt on to avoid prying the balloons out of her hands in order to change it).  She took the balloons with her to the kitchen.5.6.10 Nicole's Birthday (2) She clung to her balloon as she ate her breakfast of vanilla yogurt.5.6.10 Nicole's Birthday (5) Ila was intrigued by the balloons, too.

5.6.10 Nicole's Birthday (7) After breakfast, she played with balloons.5.6.10 Nicole's Birthday (11) Then I gave her a bath because she loves baths and playing in water.5.6.10 Nicole's Birthday (14) After her bath, we went to the park where she spent the majority of her time on the swings.5.6.10 Nicole's Birthday (23) After using the baby swing for a little while, she insisted on trying the big swing.  Right after this picture she started to lean forward to get off and before I could catch her she fell on her face.  The fall wasn’t far, but she scraped her nose in the process and needed a hug.5.6.10 Nicole's Birthday (31) The next stop was the library.  You can see the results of her fall in the picture below.  We looked at books, checked some books out, and then went to part of a story time.  We left story time early when Nicole decided she’d much rather play with a door than listen to stories.5.6.10 Nicole's Birthday (33) After the library, we headed home for a lunch of spaghetteos and mandarin oranges.  Then she played with balloons and toys until naptime.  After nap we watched an episode of her favorite show (Curious George) before heading off to the “french fry store” for dinner.  We let her enjoy the ketchup this time so as soon as she came home we gave her a second bath.  We invited her to open presents right after her bath (that’s why her hair is wet in the picture below).  At first we had trouble getting her to open any presents, she just wanted to run around with balloons.5.6.10 Nicole's Birthday (37) She had a little time to play with her new presents before my Aunt Dee came over followed by my cousin Brent with his wife and sons.  I’m really pleased with the Play Mobil farm set pictured below.  It’s a great sturdy gift that all three kids enjoy playing with.5.6.10 Nicole's Birthday (42) We gave the kids Curious George hats and toys.5.6.10 Nicole's Birthday (45)Next we had cupcakes and ice cream.  As soon as she sat down she picked up one of the cupcakes with a candle in it and started to place the cupcake in her mouth, candle first.  Fortunately, they weren’t lit yet.  She didn’t seem to understand the concept of blowing out the candles so, after some encouraging, Zach ended up blowing them out.5.6.10 Nicole's Birthday (46) After cake, we played until our guests left then put her to bed. 

Happy 2nd Birthday Nicole!

Today my little Nicole turns 2.  She has blossomed into a funny quirky little girl.  She loves to be the center of attention, stealing4.23.10 Nicole (1) glances at visitors and then beaming from ear to ear with her head cocked or galloping around the room in her own unique dance.

She has recently entered a new stage of language development.  Her vocabulary is exploding and she has started regularly using two word combinations and small phrases.  Where she would have said “shoe,” I hear her carefully articulate “one shoe” or “Charlotte’s Shoe.”  One of my recent favorites is hearing her say the whole phrase “Mom, where are you?”  I’ve started working on encouraging words instead of crying or yelling for something.  She’s doing quite well with that.  She says things like “help, please” and “orange, please” or “Oh, no ball!”  Every time we drive somewhere, she likes to say goodbye to everything “goodbye house”, “goodbye tree”, and so on.

She loves hats and shoes and she smiles and dances when I put either one on her. 4.22.10 Nicole This evening, I watched her try to fit her brown sandals onto her big sister’s foot.  She regularly emerges from her siblings bedroom and clomps down the hall in a pair of oversized shoes.  Then she’ll climb into her seat at the table and say “oh no, shoe!” as one of the shoes slips off and falls to the floor.

Six months ago, it was a rare treat to have her sit still in your lap for a hug,  now she seeks out and sustains hugs regularly. 4.16.10 Nicole and Ila (5) She has started hugging both of her sisters  spontaneously and occasionally crying for a hug.  The 2nd hour Nursery leader at church says that every week at about 10:30 she just stops playing and comes to get a hug then goes back to play happily.  She went through a short phase of saying “awww” every time she hugged someone.  Charlotte and Nicole loved to hug and say “awww” over and over again.

She goes to bed easily most days both for her nap and at night.  At times she’ll be up for an hour or two after being put to bed, but she never leaves her room or climbs off her  bed.  She usually doesn’t even cry.  She’ll be in there for hours, just singing and talking and looking at books.  I think it’s only been in the last month that she’s started insisting that she sleep on top of items.  She gathers at least three toys and often a book or two along with her water IMG_8957bottle in her arms and sleeps on top of them.  A stuffed Curious George toy is always under one of her arms.  I still don’t understand why she prefers to sleep this way, but she gets mad if I try to move something she’s laying on.  It reminds me of a silly sleeping phase Isaac went through.  It’s funny how these strange little things they do pull at your heart strings. 

She still doesn’t like to be forced to sit still.  If I try to get a picture of the kids lined up or sitting next to each other, she’ll be the one who refuses to sit still long enough for me to take the picture.  Church meetings can be challenging, 4.30.10 NicoleI was counting down the days until she turned old enough for nursery!

Her favorite show is Curious George.  She’ll carry a remote over to me and say “George” periodically during the day.  She also loves to be outside.  Everyday when we get home from picking up Isaac she climbs out of the car and runs directly outside to play.  If you mention leaving she’ll to to the door to the garage and say “outside” over and over.

I also love her big brown eyes and her silly smiles.  She has started smiling and saying “cheese” when she sees my camera.  Sometimes she gives me a goofy smile where she protrudes her lower teeth and it looks like she has an under bite (I think that’s the right term).

All the Planets and the Solar System

This is a book that Isaac wanted to write.  After seeing the story that Charlotte wrote (posted previously), Isaac really wanted to make a book.  He became really impatient.  I told him I couldn’t help him until after Nicole was taking a nap and Ila was settled.  He had a hard time waiting, but eventually calmed down by preparing for his story with a stack of books and a cartoon.

He insisted that he wanted to write a non-fiction book and it’s partly that.  I’m fairly sure he made up some of the facts, but he didn’t know enough about some of the planets so we had to read parts of some books he had checked out from the library.  He picked out the facts to include and on several of them the facts came directly from his brain—I bet you could guess which facts are his.4.30.10 All Planets and the Solar SystemHe insisted that I give myself credit for writing the words, but thought I should write Kathleen as my name.  Later he said that it has all those things for him since he did most of the work.

This post is a long one so click on the link to read on if you want.  The first few pages are probably my favorite because they come mostly from ideas within his brain.  I opted for making a thorough accounting . Now, you can check them out here  to know how I have carried out accounting for the sake of family history/journaling.

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A Cupcake for Nicole

Charlotte is a creative little girl.  If you start making up a story, she’ll add to it.  Today I decided to see what she could create on her own.  I only helped her with prompts like “what would she do when she is a great-grandma?”  The sequence, ideas, and pictures all came from her.

4.30.10 A cupcake for Nicole4.30.10 A cupcake for Nicole (1) Picture Note:  A cupcake in the middle with sprinkles on it.  Surrounded by candy, including a lollipop.  I don’t know what the line on top is for.4.30.10 A cupcake for Nicole (2)Picture Note:  The picture of Nicole as a mom is wearing glasses, like Charlotte’s mom.  The other picture is of a taco. Again, the line on top baffles me, I shall have to ask her.4.30.10 A cupcake for Nicole (3)Picture Note:  The circle with a dot is a belly with a bellybutton.  The other picture is a bowl of Marshmallow Mateys.4.30.10 A cupcake for Nicole (4) Picture Note:  The green picture is celery.

4.30.10 A cupcake for Nicole (5)

4.30.10 A cupcake for Nicole (6)The End.

This story has inspired Isaac to write his own, only he wants to write a non-fiction book about Space.

One good thing about living in Tennessee

Is that I get to hang out with my cousin’s wife and their kids.  I think we get along very well and are similar in strange ways.  Like we both cry at the drop of a hat (or the sound of a shoe falling down the stairs—there’s a story behind this that made me both cry and laugh a little).  We share a lot of similar frustrations and even have babies who are very close in age (7 weeks apart).  The picture below has her son, Sam and my daughter, Ila (did you notice that both their first names are only 3 letters long?)4.16.10 Cochrans and Barnes (13)

Every so often we get together for a trip to the park or some other activity.  It’s a nice break from the monotony of cleaning and child tending.3.19.10 Park (8) The day after Easter, I picked up this Easter kit to make chocolate covered pretzels and we made them last time we were together. 

4.16.10 Cochrans and Barnes

They didn’t end up as artistic as the ones on the box, but they were yummy.

4.16.10 Cochrans and Barnes (3)

And the kids didn’t care if they were perfectly sculpted (I’m sad that the only picture that I have of them holding them up is blurry).

4.16.10 Cochrans and Barnes (6) Anyway, I meant to post a picture of our chocolate making adventures rigt after, but I decided that late was better than never. . .righ?!

Fun Night

I took Isaac and Charlotte to fun night at Isaac’s school.  We bought ten tickets for $5.00.  They spent their first two tickets on a bag of cotton candy, which they split.4.23.10 Fun Night (2)They spent the rest of their tickets on the inflatable games.  The first thing they choose was the obstacle course that ended in a slide.4.23.10 Fun Night (6)Their final choice was the bungee run, which I’m sure was not designed for kids their size.  The point was to run as fast as you can and place a bean bag as far as you could on the Velcro next to the run and in theory the bungee cord would pull you back to land on your bottom.  I don’t think either kid had enough force to have the cord pull them backwards, but it was their choice and they didn’t want to be diverted from it!4.23.10 Fun Night (11) When we got to the car, only a half an hour had passed and not wanting to waste the opportunity to hang out with my older kids, we headed over to the Hardees (Carl’s Jr. in the West) for a treat.  Hardees happens to be the closest fast food place to my house.4.23.10 Fun Night (17) After splitting a chocolate shake, we headed home.

Isaac’s First Letter

Isaac really wanted to make something with this heart sticker, so we decided that he could write a letter to his grandma.  This is his first handwritten letter to grandma:4.23.10 Isaac's first letter to grandma4.23.10 Isaac's first letter to grandma (1)

He insists on making periods and dotting the letter i with an enormous circle. 

The Bumbo

I bought a Bumbo when Nicole was a baby and I was desperate for a way to put her down and have her remain happy. She wasn’t happy with the swing, or bouncer, or lying on her back and as it turned out, she wasn’t particularly thrilled with the Bumbo either and I thought that perhaps it was a gimmicky waste of money.  She was content enough in it a few times. 9.7.08 Nicole (1)   However, Ila is definitely helping me get my money’s worth out of it.

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Elementary School Friends

We have an assignment to write about our memories of elementary school for our Cochran Family Blog so I dug up this post which it turns out I wrote, but never published.  I had my mother send some elementary school pictures to go with them.  For some reason, I thought that would be a nice way to add to the blog, I must have forgotten how dorky I looked.  I actually considered not posting them, but then who am I trying to impress anyway?  So here they are in all their glory!

At some point I made friends with a girl named Angie Kimmet who rode my bus. I can’t  remember when we became friends. I think she had only one younger sibling (a Blue dress with lace collar brother?)and her parents smoked and may have yelled a lot. Angie and I played Barbies most of the time. We both had a crush on a new boy in school one year (probably 3rd or 4th grade) and we would pretend that Ken was Chris (the new boy). Chris was probably my first crush ever. He had spiked hair and wore Miami Dolphins sweat pants just about everyday. I remember that his sweat pants would always be pulled up a little on one side so that the elastic caught just above his calf muscle. I don’t know why that was cool, but he was the epitome of cool and that’s what he wore.

Angie really liked this movie about a cartoonish looking duck from outerspace that somehow came to be in a city. She also introduced me to my first rated R movie (Coming to America). When I found out it was rated R later I felt very bad about watching it. She seemed to like the part of the movie best that I thought was the worst. As we got a little older she started inventing dirty scenarios with her Barbies. I remember once my mom overheard what she was saying while we were playing I got a ‘birds and the bees’ type lecture.

K sweater Before long a girl named Brenda moved in. Brenda had very fuzzy hair and may have been in resource classes. Brenda and Angie became friends and I was sorta Brenda’s  friend by default, although I don’t think I ever really liked her much. Okey also moved in and became friends with us. Brenda and Angie started telling dirty stories on the playground and they made me really uncomfortable so I decided that next time they started to tell a story I would just walk away. I think Okey must have come with me. Walking away from my first dirty story pretty much ended my friendship with Angie and Brenda. I think I remember them asking me why I was leaving and when I explained to them that I was uncomfortable with the stories that they were telling they got mad at me. I even think that they threatened to spread rumors about me if I walked away. After that Brenda became especially nasty and mean to me. She actually did make up a rumor to spread. She ran around the playground yelling that I liked to me cold soreput ‘dirty pads’ on my head. Luckily, that was the best she could do. I actually remember being relieved that her rumor was so dumb. Her story got no mileage and I just ignored her and eventually things just calmed down, we just weren’t friends anymore.

I finished out Elementary school with Okey as my best friend. Okey came from a poor family with several little sisters, I think she was the oldest. Her whole family had 70s style hair cuts with lots of layers. They rented a rundown old house on State Route 18.  I think they were renting the house.  I remember it was decorated with things that had animal prints on them and that they used a kerosene heater placed in the  middle of the room.  Okey rode my bus, but got on at the end of the route. I remember the kids on the bus were cruel, they used to sing “Okey, from Okinawa” when she got on the bus. Besides being a little dorky, she was a good friend. She shared an attic room with her two sisters and was ‘New Kids on The Block’ fan. I think I remember that she had lots of buttons on her jean jacket and at least a few were of the "New Kids on The Block.’

Nicole’s Sleeping Oddity

Nicole insists on sleeping on toys and books.  If you try to move them, she’ll put them right back.  She likes to have a stuffed animal (usually Curious George) or doll under each arm and then she places books in the middle and sleeps on her tummy on top of all of them!  And she will scream if she drops her water bottle, which she hugs along with everything else as she sleeps.IMG_8665

Isaac’s Load of Cargo

Isaac loves to ride his bicycle, but he will only ride a turn or two (if that) before he starts trying to experiment or attach things.  He has tried to attach various yard tools in a variety of different ways.  One day he was riding along with a rake.  As the rake dragged along the driveway, it made a scraping noise.  Isaac excitedly announced that the rake was “amplifying” the sound of his bicycle as he rode!   He attaches the wagon just about everyday and usually spends some time giving rides to all his little sisters.4.21.10 playing outside (12)He keeps trying to add a stepladder between the bicycle and the wagon but his mother won’t let him.  The other day he piled the wagon up with whatever he could find and was beaming delightedly as he pulled his cargo around the driveway.  A few days ago he asked if Ila could be his cargo!

Capturing Smiles, Taking better pictures

When I try to take a picture of Ila smiling, I end up with a lot of pictures that look like this:IMG_8427-1 Not only does she stare at the camera instead of me, but when the camera flashes she seems a little startled by it and I end up with pictures that have what I like to refer to as ‘Crazy Eyes.’  If I turn the flash off, it slows the shutter speed and the pictures turn out blurry.IMG_8482 The solution is to take the pictures outside (or in highly lighted places).  Since the camera doesn’t need the flash, I don’t end up with crazy eyes and I can capture more natural facial expressions.IMG_8499

The best part of my day. . .

was this morning when as I walked down the hall to get Isaac up, I heard Nicole’s sweat little voice calling out “Mom, where are  you?” over and over again.  She’s just at that age where her language skills are exploding.  Not only is her vocabulary increasing, but she is starting to string two words together.  Ironically, “where are you” is like one word to her.  Usually in the morning, she’ll be sitting up in her bed talking gibberish and occasionally she’ll sit up and cry to be released from her room.  This is the first time I’ve heard her call out a whole sentence. 1.17.10 Nicole (3)

While I”m on the subject of Nicole, I ought to share two more stories from this week.  The picture to the left is from the other day when she spilled some water on the floor.  She said “oh, no” then opened the drawer containing washcloths and hand towels, retrieved one and started trying to clean up her mess.  I was so proud.  She has observed the times when her older siblings have spilled and I’ve directed them to clean up their own spills.

The other story happened outside this week.  I had all 4 kids outside with me and we were playing with balls and other toys.  Our driveway has a rather steep decline towards the road, so I have repeatedly told Isaac and Charlotte that if a ball rolls down they are not to chase it into the street.  I tell them that I will replace the ball if it gets hit by a car, but that I can’t replace them.  I didn’t see when Nicole’s ball rolled down the hill and across the street into the little ditch on the other side, but I did see that Nicole was upset and instead of descending into tears she looked at me and said, in a very sad voice “oh, no!  Ball!”  4.15.10 Outside (21) and pointed towards the street.  Not having seen it roll, I wasn’t entirely sure I’d find a ball, but I cautioned her to stay up on the hill and went down to investigate.  Sure Enough at the bottom of the hill I could see her ball.  After I retrieved it, I handed it to her and my heart swelled with pride at this successful communicative exchange that I had just experienced with my daughter.  I am still puzzling over why that experience felt so profound to me.  Was it that she finally caught on to the lesson I’ve been trying to teach her (don’t cry, use words instead) or was it that she gave me information that I didn’t know and I was able to act on that information to achieve a successful result?

Nicole’s Birthday Gift Ideas

Before anyone went shopping, I thought I’d post some pertinent info.  I hope this isn’t  too presumptuous of me.  We’re really ok if no-one gets her anything.  She is only turning 2, but I know that a grandma or two may be thinking of sending something and I thought this format would be acceptable.  If you do buy her a gift on this list that’s not eatable, leave a comment so no one duplicates.  If you like the suggestions, I’ll post the same sort of thing for Isaac’s birthday which is a month later.4.13.10 fun in the sun (33)

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What did you learn in Primary today?

Charlotte:  I learned about Adam and Eve

Me:  What did you learn about them?IMG_8357-1

Charlotte:  I learned how to draw them

Me:  Did you color a picture of them at church?

Charlotte:  yeah

Me: Did you learn what they did?

Charlotte:  They ate a tree.

Me:  They ate a tree?!

Charlotte:  They ate all the fruit on the tree.

Me:  What did they do next? 

Charlotte:  They hid.

Me:  Why did they do that?

Charlotte:  They didn’t want to get dead.


It’s funny how reading something sometimes reminds you of things that you might not image have recalled on your own.  I was reading a post by my mother-in-law about her mother (Zach’s Grandma) and it reminded me of the aprons we had as children.  I remember me and Barb having aprons with our names sewn on them.  I can’t remember who made them, and sadly I can’t really remember what they looked like other than that they were the kind that had straps on the top and a tie for the waist, but I do remember that I loved mine and felt really special when I wore it.  It makes me want my children to have aprons with their names on them that they can wear when we bake together.

Barb, do you remember any more about our aprons?  How old were we?  Did any of our other sibs have them?  Who made them?  Do we have any pictures of us in them?  I shall have to ask my mother some of these questions.

Organizing Tip #5: Usage Considerations: Single vs. Multiple

I think it’s beneficial to consider the differences in how one would organize single use imageitems differently than multiple use items. 

DefinitionsSingle use items are things like a can of soup or a box of macaroni and cheese.  Multiple use items include things like spices and oils.

I avoid giving places to single use items in my kitchen.  They should ideally be placed in a pantry or other such location.  The house that I’m living in now does not have much of a pantry so many of my single use items are located on shelves in the garage (which is right next to the kitchen).  Although I could re-arrange to try and fit more of them into my kitchen, I prefer to have an easily useable, uncluttered kitchen.  I would much rather take the extra steps to the garage to acquire food items, then regularly have to move items or dig for items in my kitchen.  The Real Estate in my kitchen is too valuable for image items that fluctuate in amounts as much as single use items.

It’s much more valuable to take the time to organize the space where you keep multiple use items.  If the space is well organized, items will be used and then return to their places.  Single use items are more likely to fluctuate in amounts .  I’m more likely to buy 10 cans of beans on a sale then 10 containers of cinnamon.  It’s much harder to keep a space organized if the amounts of different items fluctuates greatly.

Question:  Can you classify the pictured food as either single use or multiple use?  Leave your answer in the comments section.


Luckily I had my camera with me when Isaac rode his bike around the corner like this:


He has devised a way to sweep as he rides.   Now if only his Lego building resulted in a clean bathroom, I’d be set.

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