A snapshot of Nicole

I like this picture of Nicole.  I found her sitting on the kitchen floor, wearing her father’s hat and looking at this book that she took from our bedroom.4.6.10 Nicole (1)

    There’s just something about this picture that seems very silly to me.  Maybe it’s that she didn’t just take the book or the hat, but the two of them together and then walked all the way into the kitchen to sit down and ‘read.’

Organizing Tip #4 Not All Containers are Created Equal

General Container Considerations:

  • In most areas I use clear containers.  I like the look of the baskets and cloth containers, but they’re for style more than function and if you’re organizing a cupboard or closet, it just makes more sense to be able to see what’s inside at a glance,especially when they’re behind a door most of the time.
  • I usually use them with no lids on. For regular use, it’s just easier to pull the container forward and select what I want.   It takes more time if I have to open a lid and if my hands are full, I may not be able to open it one handed or I may drop the lid while selecting the item I want.
  • Containers with handles are best for things that are used in groups and items that need to be moved to the area where they will be used.  I use them most on my toy shelves.  For anyone who hasn’t seen my system, I keep most of my kid’s toys locked up in a closet and my kids are required to clean up the last toy that they used before getting a new one.  The handles allow the child to easily carry the toys to the area in which they want to play. 

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Ila’s 4 Month Well-Check

It occurred to me today that I ought to make a habit of posting well check stats here .(particularly for my children’s grandparents, but also for anyone else who wants to know)IMG_7815-1

Name:  Ila Jane Cochran (side note:  It annoys me that most fonts don’t differentiate the capital I from the lowercase L so it looks like they are the same letter.)

Age:  4 months, 1 day

Weight: 11 lbs 4 oz         9th percentile

Length:   22 3/4 inches       7th percentile

Head Circumference: 41.0 cm     50th percentile

Organizing Tip #3 Considering Maintenance/Staying Power

The test of a well organized space is if it stays organized over time and use.  It should be easier to put things back where they go, then to put them back improperly.  Accomplishing this is not as black and white as some of my other tips.  I often have to ponder the items and the space that I’m organizing and sometimes try a little trial and error.  If I organize a space and it doesn’t stay organized then that’s a good hint that I need to rethink my organization scheme and try something else.  

Here are the ideas that I have which fall into this area:

  • Leave some room to grow.  It is much easier to put things away if you don’t have to stuff things in or re-orient other things to make them fit.1.4.10 Kitchen Reorganization (14)
  • Use a container.  It’s much easier to toss a measuring spoon into a container of measuring spoons than to take the time to match it with the rest of it’s set. 
  • Store it where you use it.  Or as close as you can get to that area.  Laundry detergent on a shelf right above the washer is more likely to be put right back in the correct spot than detergent that is stored on a shelf around the corner.  Phone books that are stored close to where they are used are likely to return to their proper place.
  • Create specific use containers.  Instead of creating a container for medicines, consider creating a container for cold medicines and another for pain relievers and another for nausea, ect.  This system creates a new process.  You remove the specific use container, use it’s contents, and then return the contents to the container.  Another idea for a specific use container would be to make a cake decorating container.
  • Develop better habits.  If you don’t habitually put things away right after using them, retrain yourself.  Start with one simple thing and make a conscious effort to always put that thing away and eventually you will find yourself putting it away automatically.  Here’s an example:  Since moving to our new house, I have decided to store my deodorant in the medicine cabinet.  I noticed that I regularly leave the deodorant out because I haven’t developed the habit of putting it back.  Since I use the deodorant right in front of the cabinet, it would not take much longer to place it in the cabinet than on the counter in front of the cabinet.  I just need to make a conscious effort to practice that process every time I use it, until I develop the habit of putting it away.

Organizing Tip #2 Making better use of hard to reach shelves/cupboard space

For me the least accessible/useable shelves have always been top shelves, corner cupboards, and the cupboard over the fridge.  Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll ever find a way to make the cupboard over the fridge accessible/useful without the use of a chair, but I have come up with some good ideas for the other two problem areas.  1.4.10 Kitchen Reorganization (9)

Top shelf items should either

  1. Be stored in a removable container     OR
  2. Be items with a handle

Although I cannot reach the top self, I can usually reach a handle or container.  Click here for another example with explanation.

I only have one solution to making better use of the corner cupboard space and that is to use a container. corner cupboard Corner cupboards tend to be deep and only the items in the front are easily accessible.  When a corner cupboard is filled with items, you would have to move front items to get to back items, however, a container allows you to reach the back items by simply pulling the container forward (much like how a drawer works), thus allowing you to easily access the deeper space.  You can also make use of the corner by using can rotator which allows you to load the top and access the bottom items.

Kathleen’s Tips for Organizing: #1 “Prime Real Estate”

I enjoy organizing.  I think it’s the payoff at the end.  I find a problem with how things are and I think about it until I have a solution.  Once I reorganize something, I find great joy in looking at the place I reorganized.  I recently embarked on a project to reorganize a kitchen for someone.  As I worked through this process, I started mentally making notes about the things I think are essential to organization and I thought I’d share them here on this blog. 

Consider the ‘real estate’ in your kitchen.  An item’s usage should determine it’s ‘real estate.’  High use items should have prime locations which are the easiest to access and most functional to their use.  The drawer below is the perfect example for this post.


This drawer is located under the breakfast bar which separates the kitchen from the dining room.  It is the perfect location for food storage containers for the following reasons: 

  1. Since food storage containers are (or should be) high use items, they need to be in a place that does not require much or any bending and allows you to easily see and choose any size. 
  2. The space is large enough to store lids on unique containers and next to containers that stack well.  (Side note:  I really like the color coding on this particular set of food storage containers which allows for easy pairing of lids to containers.)
  3. The location of this drawer is key to it’s purpose and allows for smooth functionality.  After a meal the leftover food is naturally brought from the kitchen table to this counter where it can now be placed in a food storage container with ease.  With the dishwasher and sink directly behind this counter, dirty serving dishes are easily transferred to the sink after being emptied.

This drawer previously housed a collection of office supplies (rulers, pens, calculators, glue, ect), kite strings, phone books, and cookbooks and many of the items in the drawer were inaccessible under other items.  The majority of these items were what I would consider low use items (at least low use for a kitchen).

Know Your Roots

Yesterday I was on my way home to Knoxville from visiting family in Northwest Ohio.  I figured I’d take a detour and try to find the origin of my Cochran ancestors.  The first record I’ve been able to find of any Cochrans puts a James and John Cochran in cabins in what would become Higginsport in 1819, when a Stephan Colvin moved in.

There’s a stream north of the town named Cochran Run.  It’s not much to look at.

2010-03-30 Higginsport 003

James Ziba Cochran, the first recorded Cochran in our family tree, was born in Higginsport in 1824.  His son, James Mason Cochran, was born in the same town in 1854.  Sometime after that they pulled up stakes and moved west. 

I stopped at the cemetery in Higginsport to see if I could find any other ancestors.  It was in shoddy repair; gravestones toppled and illegible, many markers destroyed.  I looked at every single stone I could find to see if any of our people were there.  They might be; there are many unmarked graves and many with just a small, square, marble marker with a number on it.  There was no sexton to ask and no parking except at a home business (a trailer with a crude “bait shop” sign) next door.

I’m not holding my camera funny; everything really was slanted.

2010-03-30 Higginsport 006

I asked at the people at the bait shop if they knew anyone named Cochran.  The man there said he used to mow lawns at the cemetery in Felicity, and that there were lots of Cochrans there.  It was a dead end; there were a few kind of similar names, but no Cochrans.

I had hoped to stop in Maysville, Kentucky, just across the river, to find another ancestor.  By the time I got there, it was getting late in the day and I had to head for home.  The cemetery there is much larger and in better repair, so I think I could call ahead and have someone to direct me.


I realized awhile ago that Isaac thinks the defining characteristic of a hug is to have your cheeks touch.  So you can hug without using your arms.  I’ve noticed that sometimes when he has been asked to give someone a hug, he just lean towards them with his face.  He brought home this picture that he drew at school of a hug and I loved it so much that I scanned it into my computer and posted it here on my blog.image0-1 I love that the stick figures have no arms, but they are face to face and I love the smiles on their faces.  The smiles seem to portray feelings of being happy and secure.  I like to think that Isaac feels happy, secure, and confident in his parent’s love.

Isaac, The Builder

His favorite thing to do is build or create.  He has three sizes of Legos and many other kinds of building sets.  Recently he has been interested in ‘building’ is art projects.  He doesn’t care much for coloring or other traditional art project staples, he is much more interested in creating something out of the paper or other materials. 

When he goes outside to play, it doesn’t take long before I find him trying to “build” with outdoor toys and yard tools.    Below you can see him beginning one of his creative sessions.  He used the rake to attach and then pull his bike/step ladder creation.

3.18.10 Playing outside (30)He will build with anything and has at times annoyed his parents with things like furniture creations.  His favorite books at the library are “mechanical books” and he enjoys studying maps and pictures that show the inside of electronics.   His building toys include:   

  1. Quatro Legos
  2. Duplo Legos
  3. “Big Boy” Legos
  4. Klikko
  5. BYGGA construction set
  6. Rokenbok set
  7. Train tracks
  8. Lincoln Logs
  9. Airblox
  10. Alphabet blocks
  11. Hot Wheels Tracks

He has also enjoyed using Bristle Blocks which we borrowed from PERC when we lived in Utah and we’ve already purchased a Georello Tollbox  for his next birthday.


I decided to make pie the other day for an impromptu get together with some friends (who happen to also be relatives), but when I looked in the cupboard I only had one of each kind of pie filling, so this is what I did:3.19.10 double pieAnd it worked out perfectly!3.19.10 double pie (1) I made a lattice top, but it didn’t work out as perfectly, the divider left me a little short on pie crust so I didn’t take a picture.


She’s a funny little girl.  She seems to really like Ila, but she’s not quite two and can be a little rough in her attempts to be kind.   I generally try to avoid laying Ila anywhere Nicole can reach her when Nicole is awake, but today I thought Nicole was distracted so I laid Ila down while I poured drinks for dinner and when I went back to check on her, this is what I found:IMG_7328-2 Nicole had neatly laid trucks and trains around Ila

I came into the kitchen the other day and found this:  3.19.10 contents of my misc. kitchen drawer It made me smile because I am sure I know exactly which child made the mess.  Nicole has a thing for wire whisks.

Minor Milestone

I’ve never been that good at documenting my kids milestones, but I’m trying to blog more often and I’m too tired to write a longer blog so here it is. 

Minor Milestone = Ila has just started to have an interest in toys and has been holding them.  She has been calmed down with a toy and even got a few all the way up to her mouth to suck on.IMG_7109

Popcorn and a Movie

This was my solution for allowing the kids to have popcorn while watching a movie without making a huge mess.  They are sitting on a towel and Nicole was asleep, so it actually worked out quite well.3.9.10 popcorn and a movie (1)The movie they have been choosing lately is “The Sword and the Stone” because they’ve been listening to the audio book while they fall asleep each night.  I’ve put the movie on several times, but Isaac would rather be creating than watching, so he has yet to see the entire movie.

It was nice out

So I went out with the kids to play, even though I had cleaning to do inside.

Nicole enjoyed laying on her tummy in the dirt with her arms reached out as if to make upside-down dirt angels, she also tasted the dirt.3.9.10 playing outside (1)

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The family dynamics as they are now

Since moving to Tennessee and adding one more child, I’ve noticed some changes in IMG_6899how the kids relate to each other.

Isaac and Charlotte still get along very well and play together all the time.  It seems like they’ve been conspiring more and getting into more trouble since the move, but maybe I just think that because I am much busier and have less family support out here.

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The Car Top Carrier

There were eight people (6 kids, 2 adults) in my family growing up, but most vans only image had seat belts for 7 so space was always an issue.  A car top carrier seemed like the perfect solution for baggage and it worked ok for us for a little while.  The straps would make this buzzing noise as they vibrated in the wind when we drove fast.

I remember that we’d fill it as full as we could and then still have things packed in the back of the van.  We went through a few car-top carriers, but I can’t remember why.  The experience I’ll never forget is our last trip with a car-top carrier. 

We were traveling home from Canada and were in Ontario with about 3 hours left till we got home.  As were cruising along down the highway at a good speed, car-top carrier flew off of the car with a thud and landed in the middle of the highway.  I can remember feeling panicked and wondering what we would do and how we could possibly fit all of our things in the van.  I remember that by the time we had all of our things packed into the already full van, we could no longer see the floor of the van and we had to rest our legs on top of luggage.


Charlotte has missed all the little girls her age back in Utah.  IMG_6894In primary, there are no  girls in Isaac’s class and she’s the only girl in her class.  So the closest girl in age is in the class one year younger than her and ironically that girl’s name is also Charlotte.  If that wasn’t enough of a coincidence, the other Charlotte’s birthday is the day before my Charlotte’s birthday (Charlotte C = 12/14 /05 Charlotte H = 12/13/06).

Anyone who knows my Charlotte knows that she loves her name.  For a long time, the phrase you’d hear her say the most was “I’m Charlotte.”  The day she3.4.10 Charlotte and Charlotte severed her thumb, we knew the pain was relieved when she looked at us and said “I’m Charlotte.”  So you can only imagine her excitement to meet another Charlotte who happens to be close to her age.

She announced to me the other day that she wanted to write a book about Charlotte coming.  She choose paper the color of the sun and came up with the text all on her own.  For days she would make comments about the other Charlotte regularly.   She’d say things like “the other Charlotte likes pink too.”  Today, after Charlotte H left, she said “Jesus accidently made two Charlottes.  One is four and the other is three.”

Another Road Trip: Pensacola, Florida

2010-02-27 Pensacola - Dad, Isaac, Charlotte 004 

So my best friend David has been down at NAS Pensacola for some training, and I thought this was the best time to go see the National Museum of Naval Aviation with him.  I’ve always wanted to visit; they have a great selection of aircraft.  Naturally, a road trip these days means bringing Isaac with me; bringing Isaac usually means bringing Charlotte too.  Hit the jump for a boatload of pictures and a quick summary.

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