The Musings of Mormon Toddlers

My sister-in-law (Heidi) sent me an article about funny things kids say as they grow up in "the church" and I figured I had a few to add to that list, so here are some relevant musings from our log: 7.27.08 Isaac, Charlotte, and Nicole (1)

Not too long ago:  I had explained to Isaac that President Hinckley had died and that now we have a new prophet named President Monson.  He must have been pondering that one day when he came into the room and said "What time will we get a new Jesus?"

Zach has been encouraging Isaac to be more specific in his prayers.  One night as Isaac was saying his prayers and he said "thank thee for all the blessings" Zach prodded him by asking "which blessings" to which Isaac responded "Thank thee for blessing number 8 and blessing number 9."

7.13.08 Isaac, Charlotte, and Nicole (2) 7.24.08 It’s Pioneer Day Today.  We turned on the television to watch the parade and we saw a pre-recorded message from President Monson (the current prophet) so I asked Isaac if he knew who that was and responded confidently "Heavenly Father" I said no it’s president. . . and he responded correctly at that point by saying President Monson.

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When does one become Old?

So, I turned 30 last month, and I honestly didn’t freak out or anything, but then an elderly lady told me that she cried the whole day when she turned 30 and a gal in her 20s asked me how old I am and then apologized for asking when I told her my age. 

Since then I’ve started to wonder about middle age and when one moves from young adult to middle age.  I find that I associate myself with the young married crowd more than with the middle aged group.  I’ve stared to look at the things in life that would qualify you for either group and it’s not looking good for my youth.  We own our own house, we’ve got three kids, my husband has a real grown-up job and hasn’t been in school for probably close to ten years, and I’m in the Relief Society Presidency while he’s in the High Priest group leadership. 

Whether I’m old or young, I think most importantly I’m happy.  I’m happy with where I’m at in life and that’s probably why I still don’t care that I’m 30.

Toddler Ingenuity!


Isaac started making circles with his train tracks, when he ran out of circular tracks he started using other pieces and discovered that he could make some letters.  First he decided that he wanted to write Costco with train tracks.  After some finagling we were able to make the word Costco.  As soon as we were finished he said "now let’s write Wal-Mart!" 

My Birthday Surprise

"I would be remiss if I didn’t stand up and publicly thank my husband. . . ." ok, it’s not fast Sunday ;) , but I did want to blog about my amazing new sink!  First of all, I didn’t really believe Zach when he to7.16.08 Birthday Surprise (1)ld me that he had a birthday surprise planned until he told me that planning to go to lunch with my sister might spoil his plans.  Then I really started to wonder, but I feared that I would  get my hopes up so I told myself that his surprise was that he was going to bring home one scoop of vanilla ice cream in a Styrofoam bowl with no toppings (it was one of the least exciting surprises I could think of).  The night before my birthday he told me that the surprise was that another couple would pick us up and we’d all go to the Temple together.  I thought it was a nice surprise for him to have gone to the trouble of making all the arrangements, but I was further surprised when I walked in the door and saw this beautiful new sink and faucet installed.

Isaac said the next day as he was eating his toast "the sink matches my toast!" then later he ran in and exclaimed with great excitement "all the sinks in the house are white!"

The Math of Having Children

I’ve been rather overwhelmed with the addition of the third child.  I was wondering how we could ever get to six or twelve or thirty if I’m so overwhelmed now an7.16.08 Kathleen's 30th B-dayd it occurred to me that I’ve gone through a stage of being overwhelmed with the birth of each child and each time things have eventually gotten easier and it didn’t take too long before I realized that I actually could handle the amount of children that I have.  This realization should be encouraging to Zach because he has started talking about number four and I think my response has been a look that indicates I might just kill him in his sleep!

So I think the math goes something like this:  Two kids is three times as hard as one and three kids is barely holding on to sanity (at least at first).  I got to a point where if I made it through the day without losing it, I counted it as a good day and I despaired that I’d never accomplish anything ever again because I was too busy with all my children to even sit down and write a letter or check my email!

Luckily things have gotten better–look I’m even blogging again!

Quick Months

Seems like the months have just raced by.  Starting with Nicole being born on May 6th, we’ve just had one adventure after another.  We’ve had Kathleen’s family in town, which is blessing with some challenges.  I’m an introverted person sometimes, and I’m not a great host.  Luckily Kathleen makes up for that.  I was glad the toads had a chance to get to know Grandma Bunny, Grandpa Bird, and Uncle Brian better.  I was also glad for the chance to take a nice long drive with Grandpa Bird; we’re very different, but I felt like that trip was a great chance for us to get to know each other better and improve our bond.

Work is a little nuts.  I’m trying to keep track of everything, but I’m so busy managing multiple projects it’s like playing Whack-a-Mole sometimes.  It’s good work, and while it’s hard to explain what I actually do, the field is really growing and it’s a good place to be.

My dad and I are building a shed.  You could say we’re over-building it; it’s going to be fantastic.  12′ by 12′, very solid so far.  The walls are up and we’ll be doing the roof this week.  This is the first step in the larger war to come.  We have typical Orem soil, which is about 4 parts rock to 1 part dirt.  You may think I exaggerate; I’m not.  Oh, it’s also about 1 part puncture weed.  I had to get a solid tire for the wheelbarrow.  Anyway, finally some progress on that front.  See some pictures below (thanks Mom!)

Finally, I have a new calling in the church.  It’s a little different than I was expecting, but I’m up for it.  It means some changes, but it’s a good thing.  I think we’ll be blessed.  Of course, we’re always blessed.

Anyway, just wanted to give an update of things.  Enjoy the pictures below.


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Southwest Adventures

I guess that’s actually more due south than southwest, and even a little east.  Grandpa Bird and I took some time to go see some sights, and had a pretty good time doing it.  We were able to see Mesa Verde, which I’ve always felt is under-appreciated as a National Park.  On the flip side, it’s nice because it’s a little further out of the way, and the crowds aren’t too bad.  The crowds at the Grand Canyon were awful; traffic wasn’t as bad as Yellowstone, but the crowds were as thick.  It makes me hope some of my favorite remote spots stay relatively obscure. 

Anyway, it was a good chance to spend time with my father-in-law, and we saw some great stuff.  Pictures below.

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Nicole’s Blessing

We got permission to bless Nicole on the 15th this month, which is also conveniently Father’s Day. We have extra family in town who wanted to be a part of the moment, so it’s nice the ward was able to accommodate us.

Church is at 11 AM, so get in touch if you need directions. I think we will probably arrange for snacks afterward.

Pictures of Nicole

This is the final post of a long day, and here are some pictures for you to look at. Everything went very well, especially considering Nicole was born almost a month earlier than we expected. She seems like a healthy, sturdy little kid. Kathleen is in good spirits too. Some photos:

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Nicole Kate

Well, she’s officially here.  6 lbs, 2 oz, 18" in length.  About 3 weeks early, so technically, she’s premature.  That’s probably because Kathleen was thinking too much about labor these past couple of days. 

Everything looks great so far.  She’s normal on all the tests and seems very content.  I’ll follow up on this post with some pictures once I’ve got a chance to doctor them and upload.

Name Issues

Kathleen and I have had the same conversation about 10 times in the past few days.  It begins with one of us asking the other what they think of this name for the new baby, some discussion, general uncertainty that the name is a good fit, and then closes with us agreeing we have another month to think about it.

Well, now we’re at the moment of decision.  I’m about 80% OK with Nicole Kate, and I think Kathleen would go for that as well.  It’s got some nice alliteration all together with cochran, which is important to guys like Demosthenes.  I’m kind of enamored with the Greeks lately anyway, and that’s where the name Nicole has its roots (according to the interwebs). 

It’s pretty far down on the popularity charts, but not so rare that no one can spell or pronounce it. 

It’s also a kind of sideways tribute to both grandfathers.  Grandpa Bird wants a Victoria, and Nicole has the Greek "nike" for victory as its root.  The most popular nickname for Nicole rhymes with Grandpa Cochran’s name. 

Anyhoo, now for a status update.  Kathleen is moving along, and it looks like it’ll be today sometime, maybe before noon.  I’m not a good guesser with these things, so we’ll see.

Sneaking up on us

Well, this kid is a sneaky one.  I woke up around 1 AM this morning when Kathleen dashed into the bathroom saying her water was breaking.  Well, it was.  And here we were thinking this kid wouldn’t be here until around the 1st of June. 

This is technically a premature birth, since Kathleen isn’t fully to term until Thursday.  Still, the kid has a strong heartbeat and has been pretty active, so we’re not too concerned.  Watch this space for more updates and potentially pictures as things progress.

Childrens at the Zoo

We took the Toads to the zoo yesterday, and with the exception of a couple of solid tantrums, a good time was had by all.  Isaac finally saw his Penguins, and Charlotte enjoyed looking at pretty much everything.

They got to ride the little train as well; video below.  If you squint, you might be able to make out Kathleen, Isaac, Charlotte, and Heidi on the train.

Children and Airplanes


I took the kids to the museum at Hill Air Force Base a couple of weeks ago.  It was an attempt to buy Kathleen some time to nap or do chores.  They behaved pretty well on the drive to Ogden, and then we had fun looking at all the planes.  This picture shows Isaac and Charlotte next to the wheel of a C-124 Globemaster, a decent-sized cargo plane.  Isaac liked the B-1 as well; he was fascinated by its bomb doors (of course).  The planes outside were getting a little weathered, and some of them were unique enough to justify a little more attention, if the budget could be spared.  The kids also enjoyed a nice F-89 Scorpion, a P1010320 fairly unusual plane and one of my favorites. 

We went inside to look at some of the excellent display aircraft, but the kids were getting a little restless by that point.  If you get a chance, there is a very rare P-38, recovered at great effort from the Alaska.  It’s been carefully restored and lovingly displayed.  When they’re a little older, I think they’ll have a little better sense for what these machines really represent.  Each plane is a lesson, and each plane has a story.  Take the P-47s and P-51s on New Year’s Day 1945, or the amazing and gutsy Doolittle Raid.

We have a lot to be grateful for in this country, not least of which is a history to be proud of.  I’m glad we live close to a place we can go remember these things.

The things books inspire

The books didn’t inspire him to smear my lotion into his hair (refer to picture below), but this is my most recently taken picture of Isaac, so I used it anyway.

2.26.08 We read books about sharks tonight. It’s amazing that Isaac isn’t afraid of them because when we read about seals, he would cover up the picture of the seal while I read so that he didn’t have to see it. He actually likes sharks because they eat seals. He doesn’t like seals because they eat penguins. After we read he asked what the fish will do when they swim under the sharks. I told him that the sharks would eat the fish. He told me that “The fish will tell the sharks to eat seals so seals don’t eat penguins”. He also told me that the sharks will get legs and come out of the water. When I explained that the sharks can’t come out of the water because they can’t breath when they are out of the water he told me that “the fish will tell the sharks to close their mouths if they can’t breath.”

2.28.08 I read a book to Isaac tonight about what babies can do when they’re born. It led us to a conversation about the baby growing in my tummy. I told him that his new little sister wouldn’t know anything about trains. He told me that he wanted to teach her that trains drive on train tracks. He said that she would try to drive the trains on the road. Then he said that she would not let him scratch his itches. He said she will cry and move his hand off of the itches so that he can’t scratch them. He decided a little later in the conversation that he wanted to teach her how to scratch her itches. He explained that he would put her hand on the itch and show her how to scratch it.

Glimpses of life in the Cochran house

Here are some log entries from the last few months:

12.31.07 Isaac remarked this evening that “legs li ve in pants.” A week or so ago he told me that we should name the new baby Charlotte and we can have two Charlottes. He said that one will get bigger and he told me that I needed to keep the other one a baby.

Isaac has some phrases that are his own such as: “That I doo-d (sounds like dude)” meaning that’s what I did and “that will be a good idea.” Charlotte loves to approach me with demands. The two most common are “mom, I need cereals” and “I need Mps Mps” (meaning M&Ms).

1.4.08 Every night Isaac needs to make sure he’ll be safe before he falls to sleep. Lately it’s just “mom, keep me safe from all of them” but sometimes it’s “keep me safe from every thing” or “ don’t let anything come in and don’t let nothing come in either” or “keep me safe from the naughty list” which turned into “keep me safe from the nice list.” One night he was worried that babies would sneak in while he was asleep and suck on his train tracks. Another night he thought an engine would get him. One night after I read him a book about animals in the Ocean he said pointing to the book “keep me safe from those animals.” After watching Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer he asked us to take all the scary things to the dentist to have their teeth taken out. One night he even asked me to take all the bugs to the dentist too to get their teeth taken out. We went to the dentist this week for a consultation which took a rather long time and when I tucked him in tonight he said “take them to the dentist and have them take a long time.”

1.22.08 Motivated by the desire not to have three children in diapers, I decided to get serious about potty training tonight. I made some charts for the children and explained to Isaac that when he filled up the row with 5 stars he could earn something special. Whe n I brought in three packaged trucks to show him what he could earn, the urge to use the potty came quickly and to my surprise he actually went. I let him place his first sticker on the chart and then told him that he could drink lots of water and then try to go again to earn another sticker. Little did I know how effective this method would be. I introduced the concept sometime around 6:00 PM and by 8:30 PM he had successfully used the potty five times and earned his first truck! At this pace he’ll earn the other two trucks before I get home from work tomorrow! Oh well, beggers can’t be choosers!

Charlotte continues to amaze me with her increasingly complex and grammatically correct utterances. She adds endings to words and uses better grammar than her big brother. It just seems to come to her so naturally. She enjoys pointing out the obvious and comparing everything in the room. She’ll be eating dinner and say “there’s daddy’s shirt, there’s mommy’s shirt, there’s Isaac’s shirt,” then point to herself and say “Charlotte’s shirt.” While I was on the phone this evening she just climbed up on my lap and said “there’s mommy’s lips, Charlotte’s lips, Jill Pole’s lips” when I came home from work she took inventory of the room by saying “there’s a girl, there’s another girl, there’s another girl, there’s a boy.” She seems to enjoy pointing out gender. She’ll come up to me and give me a hug and say “we are girls” then point to Isaac and say “Isaac’s a boy.” We hadn’t talked about the baby in my tummy for awhile and Charlotte didn’t seem to understand when I explained to her that a baby girl was growing in my tummy, but the other day completely out of the blue she put her hand on my tummy and said “there’s a baby girl in there” I had only a moment to be astounded before she lifted up her shirt and declared that there was also a baby girl in her tummy—so I’m still not sure she understands the concept.

2.12.08 Isaac’s prayers are sometimes interesting. I remember one night he said “thank thee for Charlotte not being good for prayer.” Recently he said “thank thee for all the good things, thank thee for all the naughty things, thank thee for things that will bite me.”  Tonight in his prayer he said “thank thee for naughtyness.”

I don’t remember when a child first said this next one but I think it was Charlotte several months ago, but both children have said it since. They sometimes tell me that glassess keep mom’s eyes warm.

2.23.08 Isaac ran in to the kitchen where I was making dinner and announced “Mommie, I asked Heavenly Father on my knees for donuts.” I told him that if he cleaned up his books, I’d give him a brownie and he responded by asking if Heavenly Father would give him donuts after the brownie.

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