Well, I’m out of work

I guess that’s common knowledge for most of the fam by now, but I figured I’d announce officially.  I had a phone interview with Omniture today, and I’d consider them ideal with their strength in the market and the fact that they’re about a mile from my house =).  I think the interview went fairly well, but my lack of a degree may hurt my chances there.  I have an interview with Infopia on Monday.  They’re in downtown Salt Lake, so the commute is a little rough, but the pay is supposed to be pretty good. 

Anyway, here’s a link to my resume.  Feel free to download it and spread it around to anyone who may be looking for someone with my skills.  For those who don’t know, my main area of expertise is in Internet marketing, with skills in paid search management, SEO, and site performance optimization. 

Isaac gets a haircut

I have no exciting story to go with this picture, but in an attempt to post more often, I thought I’d post this. Now I have all this space to fill so that the picture can be encapulated by text.

On an unrelated story Charlotte is doubling her teeth count to four–two are just breaking through on the top.

Hmm. . .what else could I write. I cried twice in class last night because I missed my kids and wanted to be home with them. I called Zach as I walked to the car after class and cried again. I guess I can be an emotional person–I am dreading this semester and how busy I’ll be–I need more time with my kids!

Expert Snow Shoveler for Hire

What he lacks in experience he makes up for in cuteness! Need your walk shoveled and you don’t care how long it takes or how through the job is?  If you answered yes, then I know just the toddler for you.  He’ll come over and monopolize your snow shovel, but he’ll make you laugh while he does.

This picture was taken on December 16th.  It was the only time that I have attempted to shovel the walk and driveway this season.  We went out there just after breakfast while Isaac was still in his PJs (notice the stylish firetruck pants) and I did the best I could before Isaac insisted on having a turn.  Unfortunately once he got the shovel, he refused to give it back and I was never able to finish the job–oh well, it’s melted and snowed again since then so it’s just as well!

Charlotte’s Birthday (Belated)

Is that proper usage of the word belated?  I know it’s the appropriate term for late birthday cards- oh well, here’s some thoughts I wrote down on her first birthday:

 Today was Charlotte’s birthday. I think she had a good day. After a breakfast of banana bread, I gave her a bath. She loves baths so much that when she heard me turn on the water, she toddled as fast as she could to the bathroom and stood at the edge of the bathtub trying to climb in. After her bath we played a little while before we went to the store and then to Wendy’s. She had a lunch of French fries, mandarin oranges, and milk. She laughed and giggled and danced to the music playing over the loud speaker. Isaac got out of his seat and started entertaining her. It’s funny, all he has to do is look at her sometimes and she laughs. After Wendy’s she played outside for a little while before taking a nap. Then we went to the post office and the store. She had fun walking around the post office while we waited in line. A little girl started to play with Charlotte by following her around. Charlotte thought that it was great! After dinner Sarah, Nate, Josh, Grandma Cochran, Grandpa Cochran, Heidi and Laresa came over for cake and presents.  Charlotte loved her new toys. Some of her favorites were some bead necklaces and a toy cell phone.  As soon as she opened them she stood up and started walking around while playing with them—I think she learned this skill as a survival skill because it’s harder to take a toy away from a moving baby! Isaac gave her two pink cars for her birthday. He was so excited about them that every time I told him Charlotte’s birthday was coming he’d remind me about the pink cars! As soon as she opened them Isaac took them and put them in his room with his cars. We told him that they were Charlotte’s pink cars and he corrected us with the words “Isaac’s pink cars.” This was only the beginning. Isaac was more excited about Charlotte’s presents than she was. He tried to help and wanted to play with each toy. One of his favorites was a little dog that wagged his tail and made little noises as you pulled it around on a string. He walked all around the house saying “Isaac’s doggie” as he pulled it!

Cochrans can make Bad Bloggers

So I haven’t been very regular about this blogging thing.  I should fill this site up with adorable stories of our irresistable children, but it just doesn’t always happen that way. Every now and then I make a note in our log about the children and some of those notes could make acceptable blogs.  Like I thought last month, I should post a little about Charlotte’s birthday, then as time past I thought of how embarrisingly distant the date would be from her actual birthday and I decided not to post, but now I think I could write this boring little explination and then fill in some catch up blogs from my log–and that’s better than nothing–right?!

Children are bad!

Especially mine!  This is what happens when unsupervised children enter the pantry.  I’m hoping they survive to an age where I can take away their driving priveleges and scare their dates. 

What you see here is a lovely combination of detergent and tortilla chips.  Not only was there a mess to clean up, but the father of these children didn’t have any chips left over to make his nachos, and so could not achieve full enjoyment of his Jazz game.

Cute kids get more Candy!!

Yesterday was Isaac’s first official Trick-or-Treat adventure.  I think he had a good time and he provided his mom and dad with a good stash of candy! 

We got our first group of trick-or-treaters before we left and when Isaac saw them knock on the door, say trick-or-treat, and get candy.  He said ‘Isaac, me’ and pointed to himself in order to indicate that he’d like to say trick-or-treat and get candy.

In a non-scientific study based on taking Isaac trick-or-treating one time, I have determined that cute kids get more candy!  Several people remarked on how cute he was and gave him handfuls of candy instead of the requisite one piece.

At one of the last houses we went to, he noticed some big jack-o-lanterns and grabbed my leg.  I picked him up and he clung to me tightly and wouldn’t let me put him down.  The next house had jack-o-lanterns as well and he refused to go near the door.  From that point on we couldn’t go to any houses that had jack-o-lanterns at them.

New Spider Friend – A. avicularia

We’ve got a new pet at the house. In addition to Hernando, my male G. rosea, and Unnamed Spider Jr., my A. seemani (I don’t know the gender yet, so I can’t name it until it molts) we have a new A. avicularia, commonly known as a Pink-toe. I missed the reptile show in Salt Lake a couple of weeks ago, so I didn’t get a chance to check out any of the more exotic species. This one’s pretty common, but they’re neat little spiders. It was very docile when we were trying to get it into one of the little pet boxes to bring home, and again transferring to the new home in a large plastic jar. The A. seemani was a little pill, kicking hairs everywhere and trying to run anywhere but into the box. Anyway, the poor thing endured a short ride home on my motorcycle (tucked away from the wind in my saddlebag) and a transfer to its new home. It seems very docile. I’ll leave it alone for a couple of days to get settled in, and then I’ll try feeding some crickets.

I’m going to guess it’s female, just from the size, but I’m not sure until it molts. You can check the exo-skeleton after a molt for certain indicators of gender. With this species, I’ve heard the males only get to about 3″ in legspan, and this one seems bigger than that. I didn’t have a ruler handy, and I don’t want to bug it at the moment.

This is a tropical species, found in rain forests in the Amazon basin. They prefer a little higher temperature and pretty high humidity, so I’m keeping this one near my computer and I’ll mist the jar periodically. That should do the trick to keep it happy.

Anyway, I’m pleased with this little creature and I’m excited to watch it in action. It looks like a great little spider.

Here’s Joshua!

Here’s a shot of the new nephew:

He’s a meaty little fellow, and he looks angry a lot.  He weighed in a 9 lbs. 10 oz.  It’s fun for Isaac and Charlotte to have a new cousin.  I’ll encourage them to beat up on him while they can, because I don’t expect he’ll be littler than them for long.  Kathleen will send an email out with more details later.

Sarah’s about to pop

Kathleen’s sister Sarah is about to burst forth with child.  Kathleen and her mom are over at the hospital now, and the boy could come at any minute.  I’ll make Kathleen put up some pictures when she gets a chance.

A Kind-Hearted Boy

Isaac has developed this nurturing side lately. He regularly puts stuffed animals and dolls to bed. sometimes in his own bed other times he sets up a bed in the livingroom with a pillow and a blanket. Today he was playing with his trucks next to Jack when he noticed that Jack was falling to sleep. He ran to his room and retrieved his ‘duck blanket’ and layed it gently on the cat! If you haven’t already guessed from the picture, Jack is our cat.

There is such a thing as too much sunscreen!


I thought I could take a few minuets to type something on the computer.  I knew there was trouble when I heard both children laughing in the other room.  I came out to find that Isaac had raided the diaper bag and was smearing sunblock all over the floor and Charlotte was helping him!  If you want to see more of this mayhem, then check out our flickr pictures (found on the left hand side of this page.

Banana Wasteland

 This is what happens in the Cochran home when children are left alone in a room with bananas!  I thought the bananas were out of reach on the cupboard, but obviously I was wrong!

Sweet day for riding.

I’m going out on a limb here and saying that today was the absolute best weather ever in the history of the universe.  So as soon as church was over, I went out riding.  I have a little 1979 Hondamatic I cruise around on.  That’s my buddy Rawlyn with his new Buell CityX.  We headed down to Springville and then up Hobble Creek Canyon.  The leaves are just starting to change, and the temperature was perfect.  Just a great day to be out riding.  And now, a great time to watch a little football.  It’s Manning vs. Manning tonight, and I’m a Colts fan.  So back to the game.

Deseret Peak


Well, here’s a snap I took of [tag]Deseret Peak[/tag]. It’s a very nice mountain out in the Stansbury range west of Salt Lake City. For those who are interested, it’s one of the ultra prominence peaks in the US, which makes it an interesting mountain for peak baggers. The area is excellent for camping. Click on the image to go to my Flickr stream and see some other pictures of the area.

Isaac wants a Train!

Lately Isaac has been fascinated by trains. He has loved trucks for awhile so I guess trains were a natural expansion. It was probably about a month ago when I took him to the library for the first time. I was looking for books on cars and trucks and the librarian suggested one about trains. Isaac’s face lit up as I handed him the book to look at. When I went to check out the books he wouldn’t give it to me or trade with me for another book. He actually cried when I took it for two seconds to scan it! He carried that book around for days. Since then he’s been demonstrating his interest in several different ways. His favorite thing to build with his blocks is a train. Uncle Bryan gave him some pieces of life cereal for breakfast and Isaac pretended they were trains. He would drive little crumbs of cereal across the table saying ‘choo choo, chuga, chuga, chuga, choo choo.’ Last night at dinner he put his little toes up on the table (I know bad manners) and pretended that his toes were a train! He also lined up several of his trucks to make them into a train. Today he climbed up to my computer and started playing with the keyboard so I opened a word document. He typed a series of letters across the page, and then made train noises to indicate that the letters were now a train!

Charlotte Rose, Trend Setter

Don’t look too closely at this picture as I think I look rather bad, but it’s the only one I have that goes with this story. 

Charlotte fell asleep in my lap.  Isaac climbed up on the other side of my lap and closed his eyes and pretended to sleep. Then he opened his eyes and looked at Charlotte and tred to copy the way she was laying and her hand placement before closing his eyes again.

A Life of Excess–Toddler with Two Pacifiers

Last night Isaac woke up crying and I know he’s too old for a pacifier, but he’s so good at going to bed and down for a nap with one that I’ve been reluctant to break him of the habit.  Anyway, when I went in to check on him, he had lost his pacifier so I got him another one.  This morning when I opened his door, there he was with both pacifiers in his mouth! 

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