January 2015, so far

Everything is different when all the kids are home from school.  Thomas and Ila are the only ones not in school, so they spend their days together, but when everyone is home, Ila is glued to Charlotte’s side.  Isaac does his own thing and Thomas and Nicole end up together.  They’re the worst combination because they don’t understand each other.  Nicole has autism and doesn’t understand social rules and Thomas is too young to be able to compensate so they are regularly having mis-communications that turn into yelling and fighting.  They do enjoy each other and seek each other out to play, I just have to be nearby to facilitate.  Here they are playing with blocks together and generally having a good time.

Pictures to close out the year 2014

I’m not taking as many pictures lately.  I have mixed feelings about this.  Sorting through the massive amounts of pictures I’ve taken over the years is overwhelming, but I still love them and I’m glad I have them.

Here are my boys reading together.  One of my greatest joys as a mother is to see my kids enjoy being together.

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2014 Online Christmas Letter

I figure this is probably just one step up from just sharing the automated facebook thing this year.  I think I write Christmas letters mostly for my own Family History, because I’m really bad at sending them out.  The idea of writing all those addresses and buying all those stamps is really daunting especially with 3 birthdays in our family in December and all the craziness of Christmas.  So here’s the letter that I finished sometime in between Charlotte’s birthday and Christmas, but haven’t sent out to anyone (I did hand deliver a few).


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Charlotte’s Birthday

Charlotte’s birthday fell on a Sunday so we split up her celebration.  We had the party on the Saturday before the party.  Unfortunately, Charlotte wasn’t feeling so well on the day of her party.  I thought she was just tired and I sent her down to the couch to rest and watch movies.  When I called her up just before the party she just buried her head in the couch.  She had a fever above 102.  I gave her some Tylenol and Zach gave her a blessing.  This is what she looked like when her friends started arriving:OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

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Our Elf on The Shelf

This is our Elf on the shelf.  Charlotte picked the name MaryBelle for her.  I know that not everyone is a fan of this tradition, but I love that my kids still believe in magic and this adds a little more magic to the Christmas season.  This tradition also proved to be helpful in getting my hardest to wake up child out of bed because she wanted to be the first to find MaryBelle.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

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Charlotte at 9

Last year I didn’t find the time to write about Charlotte until February, so this year I feel pretty impressed with myself getting this post done on her birthday considering how crazy busy I’ve been.  Charlotte just happens to have a birthday in the busiest month of the year.2014-45622-40

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Ila at 5

It’s Ila’s birthday tomorrow.  She has been counting down the days till her birthday.  She’s very excited.  We made a paper chain so that she could stop asking me how many days.  OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA


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Video Conversation with Thomas

This boy is just too cute!  I thought it was adorable how he says “taquito.” It sounds like “hot kiko.”  Anyway, once I had my camera out to record him saying taquito, I thought it was a great opportunity to record some of the other things my little smarty pants can do.  Often when I do reading lessons with Ila, Thomas insists on having a turn reading the words too.  He’s actually learned several of them.  He loves numbers and letters.

I had to break the video up into two parts because YouTube didn’t like it as one.  So here it is:


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