Lately. . .

So it’s been about a month since I’ve blogged anything and it’s intimidating to look at how much of life I haven’t written about.  Life has been super busy.

Isaac started Football.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFootball is the most intense sport we’ve been involved in yet.  They started off about two weeks before school started with early morning practices five days a week for 1 1/2 hours each.  They also threw in a few afternoon practices as well.  Once school started they changed to three evenings a week for an hour and a half each.  They warm-up/practice for an hour before each game as well.   Read more »

Nicole’s New Room

It’s been hard to find time to write much or share much the last few weeks, but tonight I thought I’d share what I’ve been working on for the last few days.  We decided that we needed to move Nicole into her own room.  I had to deconstruct our guest room, which was admittedly really bare.  I forgot to take official before pictures, but here are some pictures I took after I got rid of the bed and moved most of the stuff out of the room.

BEFORE:OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAs you can see, I had already started taping for paint when I remembered to take a pic.  AFTER:


My parent’s property and other places nearby

Now that I’m back home in Utah, I realize that I didn’t take enough pictures of my parent’s property.  I missed a lot of angles.  This is why I love Google Maps so much, it can fill in some of the blanks and give perspective to my pictures.

I’ll start with the location.  My parent’s house is about 3 miles East of Tiffin on State Route 18.  If you look at a map, we’re about equal distance between Tiffin and Republic, but Republic is super small.  For some reason, Google Maps refers to the road my parent’s live on as “North Greenfield Road.”  Depending on the GPS you use, if you type my parent’s street address into a GPS it will direct you to State Route 18 on the West side of Tiffin.Fullscreen capture 7202014 93635 PM.bmpThis next picture shows my parent’s property.  As some of the farmland around my parent’s house went up for sale, my dad bought it and increased his acreage. Fullscreen capture 7202014 93228 PM.bmp Read more »

Tiffin, Ohio (My Hometown) Part 2

The pictures in my previous Tiffin post showed some of the character and history of Tiffin. This next set shows some of the changes and quirkiness of the town.

When we went out for ice cream as a special treat, we always went to Little Hugos because they put eyes on their ice cream.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Read more »

Tiffin, Ohio (My Hometown) Part 1

For my own personal history, I took lots of pictures around Tiffin while I was home.  I want to share these pictures here both to introduce some of my family and friends to my hometown and for the benefit of some of my friends who also grew up there, but might not have the chance to return.

Tiffin is a small town.  The 2010 census lists just under 18,000 residents.  (For my Utah friends that’s about the same population as Saratoga Springs on the 2010 census and about half the number of students at BYU).  There are two colleges in Tiffin.  They are Heidelberg University with 1,600 students and and Tiffin University with 3,498 students (Thanks to Wikipedia for the stats).  The largest employer in my town growing up was American Standard (the toilet manufacturer) but they left town in 2007.

We do have one LDS church history claim to fame.  Oliver Cowdery spent his apostate years practicing law in Tiffin.  He helped start the local fire department after a fire broke out in the courthouse.

I took a picture of this sign on the West end of town.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

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Cedar Point 2014

Ever since I married Kathleen and we started visiting Ohio occasionally we’ve made it a point to go to Cedar Point. I like roller coasters (though I wouldn’t say I’m as hard-core as some of the nerds on the internet), and Cedar Point is probably the best single collection of coasters on the planet. So with our trip to Ohio this summer, we made plans to go and bring Isaac and Charlotte along.

Charlotte is just barely 48″ in shoes, which means she wasn’t tall enough for many rides, but she was tall enough for some of the best. Isaac was just short of the 52″ requirement for that next tier of rides as well. So we planned accordingly.

We wanted to give Isaac and Charlotte a chance to experience some really great coasters, and we wanted to break them in gently so they’d have a good time and not be too intimidated. We loaded up and headed for Sandusky with Bryan, Grandpa Bird, and Cousin Paul to hit the park.

It turned out Paul was too small to ride anything big, which was disappointing for him, but he still had a chance to ride a lot of smaller rides with his grandpa. We split up to try our first coaster – Paul and Grandpa to some smaller rides, and the rest of us to a pretty mild coaster, the Iron Dragon, that we’d picked as our starter.

Isaac, Kathleen, Charlotte, and Bryan in line to ride the Iron Dragon

Isaac, Kathleen, Charlotte, and Bryan in line to ride the Iron Dragon

Charlotte was pretty nervous, but she tried hard to be brave, and it seemed like she had a pretty good time. We took a break from coasters to drive the antique cars:

Isaac drove me around.

Isaac drove me around.

Charlotte was nervous about this at first, too.

Charlotte was nervous about this at first, too.

From there, we thought the mine ride would be a good next stop.

Isaac, Kathleen, Charlotte, and Bryan waiting to ride.

Isaac, Kathleen, Charlotte, and Bryan waiting to ride.

Then it was time for lunch. We had a quick snack in the van, than a too-long line for bumper cars, and then Charlotte went with Paul and Grandpa Bird for some more gentle rides while Kathleen, Bryan, Isaac and I went to ride a coaster.

We opted for the Magnum XL-200, which was one of the early “hypercoasters”, built back in 1989. It was the first coaster higher than 200 feet and was the tallest, fastest, and steepest coaster when it opened. It’s still a pretty great ride. But sadly, it broke down while we were in line, so we wound up jumping out of line and riding a new ride, the Pipe Scream:

It was OK, but the line was kind of long. But when we got off, we saw that the Magnum was running again, so we headed over there to give it a ride. Isaac was a little nervous, but he seemed to have a good time, and more than that, he was pretty proud of himself for being brave and riding it. Here’s the official video so you can get a sense for it:

We also took the time to re-create a famous picture, with Kathleen as a stand-in for another participant:

Bryan, Isaac, Kathleen, and Zach reproduce a prior photo.

Bryan, Isaac, Kathleen, and Zach reproduce a prior photo.

After this ride, things got a little muddled. Kathleen and I had really poor phone reception (in fact, we wound up borrowing phones from people at points during the day), so we had trouble connecting with Grandpa Bird and meeting up again. But we wound up going to the van to get some snacks and drinks, and then getting Charlotte again to try to hit some more rides. We didn’t want to abandon Grandpa Bird, but since Paul couldn’t ride anything while Isaac and Charlotte could, we thought we’d try to get Charlotte a chance at another big coaster. Kathleen and I also decided to try the parent’s pass thing, which lets one parent ride while the other one is with the kids, then they trade off and the other parent rides without waiting in line. We were able to try a couple of new rides this way:

Somewhere in this mix we lost Bryan, though, and then we weren’t able to connect with our next meeting. After looking around for a while, Kathleen, Isaac, Charlotte and I went on to try to ride the Millennium Force.

Millennium Force was a new coaster when Kathleen and I first visited Cedar Point, and it was another record breaker. It’s still impressively high and fast, and Charlotte was pretty intimidated. The track runs past the line, so you are quite close to the trains whipping by at close to 90 mph. Pretty soon into our wait in line it was clear that Charlotte was too scared to try this time. So when we got to the station, Isaac and I got on while Kathleen and Charlotte went around to the exit platform.

Isaac was pretty scared; the lift is very high and very fast, and the cars are really open. He spent the lift looking at his shoes, and I didn’t blame him; when I was his age I was scared to death of the Colossus at Lagoon, which is 85 feet high with a top speed of maybe 55 mph. Millennium Force is 310 feet high, by comparison. It’s a scary hill. But once we were over the top, he started to really enjoy it. I love this coaster; it’s very fast, very smooth, with huge sweeping turns. Isaac had a good time too. Here’s the official video so you can get a sense:

As we came into the exit platform, Kathleen and Charlotte were waiting. Kathleen hopped on to ride while Isaac, Charlotte, and I exited. As we were waiting for Kathleen’s ride, Charlotte started to cry.

“Dad, can I have another chance?” In spite of everything, being so frightened, and getting right up to the ride, Charlotte still wanted to go.

“Of course you can!” So when Kathleen got off, they went right into the line to try again. I was proud of Charlotte for giving it another try in spite of being scared.

We’d promised Charlotte she could have Panda Express for dinner if she gave it a try, and that’s where Isaac and I went. Unfortunately, just as Isaac and I got our food, they shut down the restaurant, so Charlotte didn’t get her reward. (Coincidentally, I’m finishing this post after returning from lunch with Charlotte at Panda Express; we finally kept our promise!)

Charlotte and Kathleen came off the ride, and then we started heading for the exit as the park was shutting down. Kathleen and Charlotte ran one way to hit Charlotte’s favorite ride (the Matterhorn, a spinny flat ride) and Isaac and I went to ride the Blue Streak, which we regretted since we got knocked around a ton and got a headache (still fun, though).

So we came with the hope that Isaac and Charlotte would get a chance to try some roller coasters, and just maybe they’d be brave enough to ride a big one. In the end, they both got a chance to ride one of the biggest and best in the world, which I call a successful day at Cedar Point.

The Drive Home

Zach worked his last day of work at my parent’s house before packing up the van.  We left around 4:00 for our journey home.  The plan was to drive almost straight through and just stay in a motel for one night, but things didn’t go exactly as we planned.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

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Days 7-11 in Ohio

On Day 7 My Dad took Isaac, Charlotte, Paul, Michael, and I to Put-In-Bay on South Bass Island which is located in Lake Erie.  We took a ferry across the lake.  The ferries are much smaller than the ones we were used to in Seattle.  Most people walked on, very few drove cars.  The ship swayed much more and even splashed the kids once as they leaned against the railing.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Read more »

Day 3, 4, and 5 in Ohio

Our days in Ohio just seemed to fly by with 8 kids and 6-7 adults, something was always happening.

DAY 3:  I love seeing the cousins play together.  Ila and Michael are pretending to sleep in this empty pool.  Ila was pretending to be the mom.


Day One and Two in Ohio (July 1-2)

I took 186 pictures on my first day in Ohio.  Actually I took a little less than that because Zach took some of the pictures with my camera, but I narrowed the pictures down to about 30 from day one to share.

This is Isaac and Charlotte with Uncle Bryan’s Dog (GiGi).


Our 3 Day drive to Ohio

It must take a certain level of insanity to even consider a cross-country trip with so many young ones, but we figured the trip itself would be a grand adventure.  What we didn’t count on were all the difficulties we’d have with our third oldest child who was recently diagnosed with Autism.  OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA


Pre-trip Picture Share (June 23rd-27th)

I have many, many pictures to share from our trip, but I will start off with some pre-trip pictures and then probably break the trip itself into parts.

Thomas had his friend Ian over for a bit.  Thomas was so excited to see Ian.  Thomas has seen Ian much less frequently since school has been out (I watch Ian a few times a week during the school year).


Isaac at 10

It’s been a few years since I wrote a personality sketch about Isaac.  I think I hesitated to write last year because he had a tough year and I wasn’t sure how much to write about.  This year has been much better and moving to Utah has been really great for Isaac.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Isaac loves reading books and watching documentaries on Military History.  His favorite is World War II because of the more advanced technology.  Isaac can describe the types of jets and tanks used as well as their strengths and weaknesses.  He knows details about all the battles of World War II.  Isaac refuses to read any fiction, although he does enjoy listening to his Dad read fictional bedtime stories. Read more »

My pickiest eater

A lot of kids are picky eaters, but I have only ever heard of one kid as picky as Ila.  Ila will go years between trying new things and if she doesn’t eat something in her repertoire for a little while, it will drop off into the category of things that she doesn’t eat.  Although I still try to give her more things with at least some nutritional value, I’ll admit that for the most part, I just let her eat whatever she wants and I don’t stress out about it.  There have been days where she has only eaten potato chips and nothing else.  It sounds like a horrible thing for a mother to do, but I have given up on making eating a battle.  I just hope that the potato chip days are balanced out by the grapes and banana days.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

In preparation for our trip to Ohio I have made my mom a list of all the foods that Ila will eat.  It may seem long until you realize what’s not on the list.  Here’s my list: Read more »

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