
On Thursday the kids didn’t have school and Zach had some time off (because he was planning to take them to the Grand Canyon which was closed) so we headed down to some of the State parks.  Utah has an amazingly varied landscape.

The first place we went was Fisher’s Tower.  It was very rainy, which is odd since we were in the dessert.IMG_0621

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This year we signed Isaac and Charlotte up for soccer through Orem Youth Soccer.  We signed them up shortly after we moved, but we were late sign-ups so they ended up playing on teams with kids from other elementary schools.

Isaac’s soccer team choose the name “The Mean Green Machines.”IMG_0001Charlotte’s team changed their name from “Maroon Girls” to “Maroon Stars”:9.21.13 Soccer (16)(I had to stay home with some of the younger kids on Charlotte’s picture day and her envelope didn’t get turned in, so we had to take an unofficial picture of her team)

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Thomas’s 18 month Well Check (at almost 20 months)

When I had just one child I knew the well check schedule well, but then after 4 more kids and a few cross country moves, I’ve forgotten it.  It didn’t occur to me to schedule Thomas for an 18-month well check until a friend posted her son’s 18-month stats.IMG_0224

Name:  Thomas Deane Cochran

Age:  1 Year, 7 months, and 3 weeks

Weight: 24.14 (between 10th and 25th percentile)

Length:   30.5 inches    (below 5th percentile = the dot fell just below the lowest growth curve)

Head Circumference:   19.5 inches     (between 75th and 90th percentile)

Last well check (12 month) comparison:

Age = +7 months, weight = +4.14, length = +1 3/4 inches, head = +1/2 inch

“I’m still like Nicole. . .”

IMG_0115This is a picture of Nicole the other day before school.  I have a love/hate relationship with her sense of style.  I love it when it works out, but sometimes it’s a delicate balance between looking fun and colorful and looking like she should ride the short bus to school.  I talked her into the denim shorts that morning.  She’s generally opposed to denim (she has refused to wear jeans for years). After getting dressed we went upstairs where I started making breakfast and she sat down at a Xylophone and started banging on it while singing “I’m still like Nicole, I’m still like Nicole!”  I don’t know if she felt her identity was challenged by the denim or if she was just proud of her outfit that morning, but somehow the song seemed to be related to her outfit.  Also, the song went on and on and consisted entirely of that one line repeated over and over until her father yelled from the other room that it was too early to be banging on a Xylophone.

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Bike Lessons

We’ve totally dropped the ball on teaching any of our kids to ride bikes.  Luckily, we now live across the street from the kids’ Grandparents!8.12.13 Bike lessons (4)8.12.13 Bike lessons (6)8.12.13 Bike lessons (8)IMG_9845By the end, Grandpa could ride like a pro.  Isaac, however, needs more practice.

Splash Pad at Riverwoods

I decided to meet up with our ward mother’s group at the splash pad at Riverwoods this morning.  When I got there, I found out that they didn’t open for another 40 min, but the man was so nice that he offered to turn them on early for me and the kids.  I had Ila, Thomas and our neighbor, Ian with me and the pictures I took turned out so fun that I had to share lots of them. 

They were a little hesitant at first:IMG_9965IMG_9969

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Sprinkler Fun

I need to get myself back to blogging, so I thought I’d start off with a picture share.  My brother-in-law, Dan took pictures of the kids playing in the sprinklers a week or so ago and I think he did a great job.  Here are some of the pictures he took:


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Life is weird right now

We’re in Utah now.  We own a house a few blocks away on 400 East that we’d like to sell.  We’ve had it listed, but it doesn’t show very well with our current tenants.  One of our tenants was diagnosed with cancer several months ago and they stopped paying us rent.  They did surgery and started treatment, but they soon discovered that the cancer had metastasized and was terminal.  They sent him home to die.  They are suppose to move out this weekend.  Today, he died.  I don’t know how this affects everything. 

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Bird ReTweet, Day 3

So, I should start off by saying that on day 2 a freak wave came up while me and my siblings were out playing in the ocean and carried off all of our things and tried to take a kid or two with it.  Everything was retrieved and moved to higher ground, but my beloved camera was a casualty of the event and so the rest of the reunion pictures were taken exclusively by Barb and Athena while my camera sat in a bag of rice (I should also note that many of the pictures I shared previously were also taken by them).

Krista holding her son Michaelbarb pics Bird Reunion 789

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And then Lee came

I’m running out of blog titles and my brain is not creative right now. My brother (Lee) arrived late on Saturday the 22nd.  Krista and I picked him up and then stayed up late laughing and talking. 

Nicole warmed up to Lee right away.  Here she is “reading” to him:P6237839

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More Family Arrives

My sister Krista, her husband Paul III, and their two sons Paul IV (almost 6) and Michael (2) arrived in the wee hours of the morning on the June 22nd. 

After a few hours of sleep, we shared Mexican candy (which she brought from Texas) and they made plans for an adventure in the city for Paul III’s Birthday.P6227719

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