Tag Archives: Bryan

Ha Ha, I joked you

**I wrote this on April Fool’s day, but couldn’t post it until now, I’ve got some great pictures to post with it once I get this issue fixed**

Anyone who knows my brother Bryan, knows that April Fools Day may be the most  4.1.09 Bryan on April Fool's day important day of the year—at least to him.  He loves not only to play jokes, but to have them played on him.  He eagerly awaited my bedtime last night so that he could get started.  Even now as I write, he’s feverishly trying for just one more prank.

Last night’s preparations yielded missing wheels on my computer chair, a missing remote which once found was missing it’s batteries, my shoe laces tied together and hidden DVDs.  I tried a few quick pranks by switching out the bags on some of the cereals and covering the shower nozzle in saran wrap before we left the house for his orthodontist appointment.  He got braces today which presented me with a prime opportunity to prank.  I made up a list of food that he wouldn’t be allowed to eat with his new braces, the list included as many of his favorite foods as I could think of.  I gave it to the lady at the front desk who read it to him before we left.  The best part was probably the look on the faces of the other patients, mostly children as they overheard this list of forbidden foods.  He played his own jokes on them by smearing peanut butter on his teeth before the appointment and putting pink hair gel in his hair.

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Bryan’s First Week

My youngest brother moved in on February 11th and will be living with us for an unspecified amount of time (we’re still building his room–sorry Bryan). Anyway, I thought his first week was worth writing about, so here goes:

He arrived on Wednesday night just in time for dinner. Little Nicole stared at him all through dinner with an expressionless face that made us laugh. Every time I would look at her she was staring at Bryan.

Charlotte welcomed him in by showing him his chair at the table and telling him that he sleeps downstairs.

The cats showed their displeasure by leaving a ‘surprise’ by my washer. I responded to their ‘surprise’ by locking them downstairs with Bryan. Jack was so unhappy that he camped out at the top of the stairs. The next morning when Bryan attempted to come upstairs Jack hissed and threatened to scratch him. Bryan was scared of Jack so he went back downstairs and climbed out the window, but discovered the doors were all locked and he was without a key so he went back inside and found that Jack had abandoned his post and it was once again safe to go upstairs.

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Uncle Bryan

Coming soon: Bryan’s first week in review, but first I wanted to share a few little notes that Isaac wrote to his grandparents about his uncle.

First he had Zach write the following:
Grandma Bunny,
Don’t be sad. Uncle Bryan is here to help us.
Love, Isaac

Then I had him tell me what to write in a note to Grandpa Bird and here is what he said:

Grandpa Bird-
Uncle Bryan is being helping us, like helping us very well. Not, not helping us because he is good. Because he doesn’t do bad things and doesn’t forget. And he doesn’t forget about everything because everything is what he has to do for us and he has to be helping us more or our house will be bad.
