Tag Archives: building

Isaac, The Builder

His favorite thing to do is build or create.  He has three sizes of Legos and many other kinds of building sets.  Recently he has been interested in ‘building’ is art projects.  He doesn’t care much for coloring or other traditional art project staples, he is much more interested in creating something out of the paper or other materials. 

When he goes outside to play, it doesn’t take long before I find him trying to “build” with outdoor toys and yard tools.    Below you can see him beginning one of his creative sessions.  He used the rake to attach and then pull his bike/step ladder creation.

3.18.10 Playing outside (30)He will build with anything and has at times annoyed his parents with things like furniture creations.  His favorite books at the library are “mechanical books” and he enjoys studying maps and pictures that show the inside of electronics.   His building toys include:   

  1. Quatro Legos
  2. Duplo Legos
  3. “Big Boy” Legos
  4. Klikko
  5. BYGGA construction set
  6. Rokenbok set
  7. Train tracks
  8. Lincoln Logs
  9. Airblox
  10. Alphabet blocks
  11. Hot Wheels Tracks

He has also enjoyed using Bristle Blocks which we borrowed from PERC when we lived in Utah and we’ve already purchased a Georello Tollbox  for his next birthday.

The mind of a mechanic in the body of a 3 year old

Every time I took Isaac to WalMart he would insist on going to the bike section and riding the little red bike. So when his birthday rolled around we bought it for him. The funny thing to me is that over the last two days he has spent more time studying how the bike works than actually riding it. He has such an innately mechanical mind. He loves to turn the pedals and watch the wheels go around. Last night he said ‘m om, the tracks are moving around and around.’ It took me a moment to realize he was actually talking about the chain, but I had never taught him the word chain so he equated it with track wheels on a bulldozer. He continues to be so enthralled with how the bike works, constantly telling me about what he’s discovered and naming all the parts. Today I had to tape the handlebars to the floor so the bike would remain upsidedown while Isaac moved the pedals with his hands and studied how the gears worked!