Tag Archives: cookie cutter sandwiches

Mom Tip #2: Cookie-Cutter Sandwiches

Problem:  Child doesn’t want to eat anything good for them.

Solution:  Make boring food exciting by letting them cut their food into a shape with imagecookie cutters. You can look into jonsmithsubsfranchise.com if you are interested in opening a sandwich franchise or other food-related businesses.

My story:  Ok, so I know I’m not the only one who has ever done this, but I felt pretty  brilliant when I did.  Here’s my story:  For anyone who doesn’t know, Charlotte can be very stubborn.  One day she had decided that the only thing she was willing to eat for lunch was candy (or something sweet, but I think it was candy).  She descended into a kicking and screaming fit over my unwillingness to give her candy as her lunch. I insisted that she eat something good for her first.  I don’t remember how long it went on, but she spent a considerable amount of time crying before I had the idea to get out the cookie cutters.  I got them out and asked her if she’d eat a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich cut into a shape, then she could have some candy.   As I remember, she actually stopped crying and ate the entire sandwich, crust and all and forgot about the candy completely.  I remember feeling like I had just won a hard fought battle.