Tag Archives: creativity

Isaac the Architect/Foreman

Isaac has decided that he wants to design and direct construction when he grows up. He was telling me his ideas as we were 10.27.10 Trunk or Treat (8)driving home the other day. He wanted to build an apartment building with a McDonalds on the bottom. His idea was that the tenants could call for room service and someone would bring the McDonalds food up to them. He said the building would be mostly made of brick and it would be in Tennessee. He said that I could live in his building for free.

His next idea was to build a subway system in Knoxville. He said he’d have it ready when I was a grandma. He also said that I would be able to ride it for free. I asked where the stops would be and he said he would make a stop right by my house. He also said there would be a subway car for my car and that when the subway would stop for fuel it would refuel my car as well for free. I also heard him bargaining with Charlotte to work for him. He told her that he’d pay her more money than anyone else. Charlotte said that she’d pay him even more than she’d pay herself.


Luckily I had my camera with me when Isaac rode his bike around the corner like this:


He has devised a way to sweep as he rides.   Now if only his Lego building resulted in a clean bathroom, I’d be set.

Anything can be a train!

Is it normal for two-year olds to be so creative?  Isaac is always building things and pretending that different objects are trucks or trains.  Lately whenever I give him a straw it turns into a ‘digger’ and drives around the table.  He makes the most interesting trucks with his blocks and he regularly turns household items into trains.  The other night he emptied my cupboard to make a train as I was fixing dinner.  He’d sit on the cookie sheet behind the pressure cooker and say “Isaac in train” then he got up, moved back to a cookie sheet farther down the line and said” Isaac in train car.”  He then decided that he needed to eat dinner on his train.  He took his bowl of pasta off the table, grabbed a fork and sat down on my cookie sheet and started eating!

Isaac wants a Train!

Lately Isaac has been fascinated by trains. He has loved trucks for awhile so I guess trains were a natural expansion. It was probably about a month ago when I took him to the library for the first time. I was looking for books on cars and trucks and the librarian suggested one about trains. Isaac’s face lit up as I handed him the book to look at. When I went to check out the books he wouldn’t give it to me or trade with me for another book. He actually cried when I took it for two seconds to scan it! He carried that book around for days. Since then he’s been demonstrating his interest in several different ways. His favorite thing to build with his blocks is a train. Uncle Bryan gave him some pieces of life cereal for breakfast and Isaac pretended they were trains. He would drive little crumbs of cereal across the table saying ‘choo choo, chuga, chuga, chuga, choo choo.’ Last night at dinner he put his little toes up on the table (I know bad manners) and pretended that his toes were a train! He also lined up several of his trucks to make them into a train. Today he climbed up to my computer and started playing with the keyboard so I opened a word document. He typed a series of letters across the page, and then made train noises to indicate that the letters were now a train!