Tag Archives: Easter

Bubble Rocket, need I say more…

4.12.09 Bubble Rocket I got Isaac this bubble rocket for Easter.  I had some fear that it wouldn’t be a great gift, but it was a big hit.  First they played with it inside (with no bubble solution) and had lots of fun torpedoing the rocket into the air by stepping on (or jumping on) a plastic pouch of air.  After dinner we took it outside and tried it out with bubbles.  All the kids had a ball running around chasing bubbles.  The only issue with the bubble rocket was that as we used it with bubbles the bubble solution acted as a lubricant in all the different parts of the rocket so that soon it started to come apart each time it was jettisoned into the sky.  Luckily it was easy to put back together and to clean out after we were finished.

See it in action by clicking here.


Does anyone else think it’s weird that we celebrate Christ’s triumph 4.12.09 Easter Morn (9)over death by saying a bunny hops around hiding candy and colored eggs?   Were still at that stage where we are developing our traditions and I just didn’t have it in me to hype the Easter Bunny—I need more justification for his “existence” I suppose.  We tried to be simple this year, we hid a bag of jelly beans and a bag of Reces Peanut Butter cups and gave each kid one gift.    We decorated hard-boiled eggs, but then I just fed them to the kids instead of hiding them. 

I tried to put more emphasis on Christ by talking about the Crucifixion and showing them a few movies about Christ and his Crucifixion.  Charlotte and I watched “To This End Was I Born,” and talked about the events at the end of Christ’s life.  I’m grateful for the special moments we had together as we watched that film.  After Church, we went to Grandma and Grandpa’s house for dinner followed by a short Easter devotional.  Krista helped me fill 12 plastic eggs with scriptures and items surrounding Christ’s Atonement, Crucifixion, and Resurrection.  I hid the eggs around the living room and the kids found the eggs and delivered them to family members who read the scriptures contained therein.  We followed that activity by watching our Church’s Easter message (given my one of my very favorite Apostles).

Hard-boiled eggs

When Easter comes around, I’m glad that my kids actually like to eat hard boiled eggs, 4.10.09 Isaac and Charlotte (5) because I don’t like them in any form.  I boiled the eggs today and one of the eggs cracked, so I gave the cracked one to the kids while it was still hot.  They enjoyed it so much that they asked for more.  I gave them one egg at a time which they took turns taking bites of.  Before the eggs had even cooled down, the kids had shared 5 eggs, they might have eaten more, but I feared we’d have none left to color.

Belated Easter Celebration

I looked up the word ‘belated’ to make sure its definition really fit this post and here’s the definition I found: “coming or being after the customary, useful, or expected time.” That works!

We celebrated Easter yesterday (almost a week late). Last weekend Zach was miserably sick and throwing up. He spent most of the weekend on the bathroom floor. Isaac had a fever on and off and then threw up once on Sunday and little Charlotte had the sniffles. I felt fine, but I had so much homework to do over the weekend that I stayed up past 6:00 AM on Friday night and past 1:00 AM on Saturday. So it didn’t make much sense to try to squeeze Easter into all that.

We made a jelly bean trail from Isaac’s bedroom door into the living room. Charlotte woke up first, but it was easy to keep her from seeing the Easter surprise since she always wants to spend the first part of the morning hugging her mother. Isaac decided to sleep in this morning so I went into his bedroom at about 8:30 to wake him. I told him that the Easter Bunny had come and left him some candy. It took his sleepy little mind a moment to process, but soon he hopped out of bed. He opened the door and saw the candy trail leading into the livingroom. We handed him his Easter basket and he sat down on the floor and started singing the ‘clean-up’song as he picked up jelly beans and placed them in his basket. Charlotte caught on quick and after sampling a few started collecting them in her basket. They stopped picking up candy when they discovered their little Easter gifts. Charlotte got some dress-up shoes, a boa, sunglasses, jewelry, and a silver sequined purse. Isaac got a car transporter truck, a tanker truck, and a crane truck. They each took turns playing with the new toys and collecting candy. As Isaac picked up candy he would laugh about how silly it was that candy was in this place or that place. Charlotte had a blast picking up and sampling candy and really seemed to enjoy the process of picking them up and putting them in the basket. At one point she started emptying out her basket into Isaac’s Easter basket. After collecting all the candy he could find, Isaac handed his basket to me and said ‘here mommy,’ then went to play with his new Easter trucks.

Charlotte enjoyed her little dress-ups. After I helped her put the shoes on she walked around the room in them smiling. Later in the evening when I put them on her she walked all over the house and said ‘oh no’ every time one of the shoes came off. The sunglasses were a hit too—probably partially due to the fact that she always wants to play with mom’s glasses and never gets to. She would put them on and then smile really big and shake her head. Her other favorite thing was the sequin purse. I put some old credit cards in the purse and she would take them out and put them back in over and over again. She would also walk around the house with the purse over her shoulder—she’s such a girl. I can’t get her to wear the purple boa long enough for a picture. I’d love to get a picture of her with the dress up shoes, sunglasses, purse and boa all on. She smiles or laughs when I put the boa on her, but she promptly removes it—I bet she’ll start putting it on and walking around the house in it soon enough.