Tag Archives: Family

One good thing about living in Tennessee

Is that I get to hang out with my cousin’s wife and their kids.  I think we get along very well and are similar in strange ways.  Like we both cry at the drop of a hat (or the sound of a shoe falling down the stairs—there’s a story behind this that made me both cry and laugh a little).  We share a lot of similar frustrations and even have babies who are very close in age (7 weeks apart).  The picture below has her son, Sam and my daughter, Ila (did you notice that both their first names are only 3 letters long?)4.16.10 Cochrans and Barnes (13)

Every so often we get together for a trip to the park or some other activity.  It’s a nice break from the monotony of cleaning and child tending.3.19.10 Park (8) The day after Easter, I picked up this Easter kit to make chocolate covered pretzels and we made them last time we were together. 

4.16.10 Cochrans and Barnes

They didn’t end up as artistic as the ones on the box, but they were yummy.

4.16.10 Cochrans and Barnes (3)

And the kids didn’t care if they were perfectly sculpted (I’m sad that the only picture that I have of them holding them up is blurry).

4.16.10 Cochrans and Barnes (6) Anyway, I meant to post a picture of our chocolate making adventures rigt after, but I decided that late was better than never. . .righ?!