Tag Archives: Grandma Bunny

A Visit From my Mom

My mom came down to Tennessee to help while Zach recovered from his surgery.  She 4962941161_a4991147b3_b arrived on Friday night and was able to stay with the kids while I picked up Zach from the hospital and then got his perscriptions.  Zach was miserable all week and barely emerged from our room.  He ate almost nothing and mostly just wanted to sleep the week away (perhaps he will post more details about his torturous recovery). His reclusive recovery meant that my mother and I spent the entire week taking care of the kids together.

Charlotte really enjoyed lots of one-one time with her grandmother.  They played games and read together and Charlotte invented several new kinds of hugs just for Grandma.  On Thursday when I asked her if she wanted to go to the library with me for some one-on-one time she said “no, I like grandma Bunny more than you, mom.”  Charlotte is generally always eager for time with me, so I could tell that she was loving every minute with her Grandma (and I wasn’t worried, I know deep down she loves me more).4980163876_c490863cbe_bNicole was charming and cute, as always, and she took to her grandma right away.  Nicole gave her Grandma great hugs and Grandma enjoyed hearing her cute funny vocabulary.  When I took Isaac to school in the morning, Nicole came with me a few mornings and was very worried when Grandma didn’t get in the car too.  She’d start to cry and call out “Grandma, where are you?”  On Friday Grandma followed us to the gym in her car instead of riding with us.  Nicole fell to pieces when she saw Grandma get into her own car.  She screamed and cried and called out “Grandma, where are you?” and didn’t calm down the whole drive.4979529591_ff9f0bf1e9_b (1) Ila is still mostly a mommas girl, but on Thursday when I went to Isaac’s school, Ila finally let Grandma hold her and play with her without crying and was good the whole time I was gone.  She even ate the green beans that Grandma fed her.  Grandma was especially impressed with Ila’s great skill in playing with toys with her feet.4979542515_ce9453b834_bIsaac really enjoyed reading with Grandma.  He read some books to her and listened as she read to him.  Grandma remarked on how neat it was to read with him because he asked such thoughtful and intelligent questions and he really seemed to be enthralled with every topic they read about.  Grandma’s visit also gave me the opportunity to spend some time with Isaac at school which he was very excited about.4979568185_40fb3389c5_b

Moving: Day 9 the drive to Knoxville

DAY 9:  On Wednesday we set off for Knoxville. 11.4.09 Nicole and Grandma Bunny (1) It was a long crowded ride in my mother’s  Tribeca, but the kids behaved well and the trip was uneventful.  We stopped for lunch at Wendy’s and Nicole enjoyed dancing to the music and making faces with my mother.  She was in such a funny happy mood that I was glad I had my camera handy to capture a few moments. 

The only other noteworthy thing was the few times that Isaac announced that he needed to use the bathroom right away and we frantically exited as soon as we could only to find out that his need was not nearly as urgent as he had claimed. 

When we arrived at our new place, the movers were still unloading the truck and a neighbor from the ward had provided a hot meal for the family.

The rest of our moving experience is not blogworthy as it consists of me unpacking and organizing our things into our new house, but I think 9 days of moving details really should be enough detail for the few readers we get to our humble little blog.

Moving Days 7-8: Ohio (part 2 of 2)

DAY 7:  We spent much of day 7 exploring my parent’s property.  We kicked off our adventures with the traditional forklift rides.  Isaac and Charlotte took turns riding the forklift with their grandfather.  He showed them how to lift a pallet up and down and even gave them a ride on the pallet and loaded them onto a truck.

Next they had a tour of his warehouse which included showing the children the kiddie rides that grandpa Bird has been storing for a company.

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I need more mom time!

I am grateful that I got to see my mom last weekend, even if it was a very short visit. 1.23.09 Making cookies with Grandma Bunny (21) She is seriously one of my very favorite people and no matter how much time I get with her, I always want more.

She flew in on Saturday and spent Monday night at Krista’s before flying home on Tuesday morning.  We had just enough time to swim at my Uncle Toby’s house in Lindon, make cookies, play two hands of cards, stay up late talking twice, drink a 2.22.09 Story with Grandma Bunny (11)cup of hot cocoa, read stories to the children, play games with Isaac and Charlotte, hold Nicole, and make some soup.

After my grandmother’s death last year, we realized how few pictures we had of us as children with our grandmother so although we prefer to look at adorable pictures of the children by themselves, we have decided that it’s important to take pictures of the kids with their grandma and made sure to take more pictures this time.

***Grandma Cochran beware, I intend to take more pictures of you with my kids as well****


Krista and I decided we wanted to send my mom a package to make working in my dad’s office less depressing so we decided to make her those motivational posters with the word and then quote, only we thought we’d select pictures of our kids.  We had some difficulty figuring out a good way to make them until I discovered this neat little tool.  Here are the results of our work:   (If you don’t see a slide show of pictures you may have to actually go to our website instead of reading our posts in a blog reader)

Click here to see the ones Krista made.