Tag Archives: having children

The Math of Having Children

I’ve been rather overwhelmed with the addition of the third child.  I was wondering how we could ever get to six or twelve or thirty if I’m so overwhelmed now an7.16.08 Kathleen's 30th B-dayd it occurred to me that I’ve gone through a stage of being overwhelmed with the birth of each child and each time things have eventually gotten easier and it didn’t take too long before I realized that I actually could handle the amount of children that I have.  This realization should be encouraging to Zach because he has started talking about number four and I think my response has been a look that indicates I might just kill him in his sleep!

So I think the math goes something like this:  Two kids is three times as hard as one and three kids is barely holding on to sanity (at least at first).  I got to a point where if I made it through the day without losing it, I counted it as a good day and I despaired that I’d never accomplish anything ever again because I was too busy with all my children to even sit down and write a letter or check my email!

Luckily things have gotten better–look I’m even blogging again!