Tag Archives: Karate


We joined a new gym this week and our membership came with some free classes.  Tonight we thought we’d try out the Karate.The age range was 4-13 so, as you can imagine, Isaac and Charlotte were possibly the smallest kids in there, but there were a few other small kids.  I don’t think they knew what was going on for much of the class.

I took this picture from outside the door, before I realized I could go in and sit in the back.IMG_0133They did kicks and then turned to all face a different way.  Charlotte didn’t seem to understand.  She was facing the wrong way the whole time. IMG_0134Maybe it was because they were afraid, but Isaac and Charlotte held hands for much of the first part.  It was really funny to see them trying to do kicks while holding hands.  They asked the students to pick a partner and their was no doubt who they’d pair up with. IMG_0136 They did this activity where Isaac held Charlotte’s feet and Charlotte walked with her hands.IMG_0137They also did leap frog.  I think I was the only one taking pictures so I didn’t take too many.  I wish I had gotten a few better shots.IMG_0142They lined up and got a chance to break a board.  Here’s Charlotte breaking one with her foot.  I didn’t get a picture of Isaac doing it.  I was mostly trying to stay out of the way. and sit in the back.IMG_0147I asked them afterwards if they liked the class and they said that they did.  On the way home Isaac asked me if I had any boards that I didn’t need.    He also announced that after three more classes he thought he could break a board as hard as a brick.