Tag Archives: Kindergarten

Isaac’s Field Day

On Tuesday was Isaac’s Field day.  I was a little nervous about taking my three girls by myself, but since I knew I was likely to see some other mothers whom I had met that might be able to help in a pinch, I decided to give it a shot.  I love that Nicole’s sign is upside-down in this pic and she looks bored.5.11.10 Field Day (4)I knew Isaac wanted us to be there.  He even suggested that we make signs that said “go Isaac with two exclamation points.”  As you can see, we followed his suggestion.  Charlotte was a great sign holder and held up her sign every time Isaac ran or she thought he might run.5.11.10 Field Day (7) Isaac is always very concerned about doing what’s right and not getting into trouble.  He was afraid to even hug his mom without his teacher’s permission, at lest at first he was.  I’m glad that he’s consciences, but I worry that he doesn’t stand up for himself and get what he needs.  Here he is lined up for his first race.5.11.10 Field Day (10) I wasn’t able to get a picture of it, but while most kids were focused on the finish line and running as fast as they could, Isaac was searching the sidelines as he ran and ended up being the slowest kid in every race.  Here he is getting ready for the sack race5.11.10 Field Day (14) The ‘Pony Express’ race was a relay race with 4 other teams competing.  Isaac’s team came in last place, but they had ribbons for all 4 teams so Isaac ran to me after the race with his white ribbon and announced that he his team won!5.11.10 Field Day (22) Apparently an employee of Tennessee State Bank has a kid at Mount Olive, so these guys pulled up and started cooking hotdogs.  They gave everyone who came up the hill to the truck free hotdogs, chips, and water.  The guy who grilled the meat also helped me to my car when he saw me hobbling up the hill with my overloaded stroller in one hand, Nicole in the other, and Charlotte trailing behind me.5.11.10 Field Day (29) The girls didn’t really eat the hotdogs, but they thought the water was great!5.11.10 Field Day (31) It got really hot out and the Kindergarten tarp was right in the sun, so towards the end of the morning, we broke out the umbrella we had brought to provide a little shade.  Charlotte joined the kids under our umbrella.5.11.10 Field Day (37)And finally, here’s a picture of Isaac’s class with their teacher, Mr. Burton.  I didn’t notice the arm in my pic till I got home, oh well.5.11.10 Field Day (26) At the end of the day, I was glad I got to go and observe and cheer Isaac on, but next year I might call a babysitter!