Tag Archives: Primary

Our First Primary Program

I don’t think my words will give the experience full effect, but they’re all I’ve got so here goes. 

Perhaps we should have taken him to the church ahead of time so he could 9.21.08 Isaac and Charlotte (9)discover all the workings of the folding seat before the program started, but who knows if we could have ever satiated his interest in this particular type of seat.  He sat in one of those chairs where the seat automatically closes when  you stand up and he wiggled and played with the seat for most of the program.  He was so distracted by the seat that I couldn’t make eye-contact with him to tell him not to play with it. 

The best part of the program came when they started playing the intro to his favorite primary song "I love to see the temple" he looked and me and said in a  surprisingly loud voice "Mom, it’s my favorite song!"  then he proceeded to yell the words of the song as loud as he possibly could.  I laughed so hard that I cried and everyone I looked at was laughing too.  He yelled so loud, that you could hear him clearly above all the other children’s voices.  For the rest of the songs I only heard him yell an occasional word because he only knew parts of the other songs.  He yelled most of the first verse of "I am a child of God," but he didn’t yell that one as loud.

The Musings of Mormon Toddlers

My sister-in-law (Heidi) sent me an article about funny things kids say as they grow up in "the church" and I figured I had a few to add to that list, so here are some relevant musings from our log: 7.27.08 Isaac, Charlotte, and Nicole (1)

Not too long ago:  I had explained to Isaac that President Hinckley had died and that now we have a new prophet named President Monson.  He must have been pondering that one day when he came into the room and said "What time will we get a new Jesus?"

Zach has been encouraging Isaac to be more specific in his prayers.  One night as Isaac was saying his prayers and he said "thank thee for all the blessings" Zach prodded him by asking "which blessings" to which Isaac responded "Thank thee for blessing number 8 and blessing number 9."

7.13.08 Isaac, Charlotte, and Nicole (2) 7.24.08 It’s Pioneer Day Today.  We turned on the television to watch the parade and we saw a pre-recorded message from President Monson (the current prophet) so I asked Isaac if he knew who that was and responded confidently "Heavenly Father" I said no it’s president. . . and he responded correctly at that point by saying President Monson.

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