Tag Archives: the singeing

The Singeing

Well, it’s come time to blog about the event that family insiders 10.20.08 Zach's singed hair (3)-1have referred to as "the singing."  You’ll have to ask Zach for more details if my description is lacking, but here’s how it happed from my perspective.  Zach was starting up the gas grill on Monday night as I was playing with the kids in the backyard and he came around the corner saying something about losing an eyebrow.  He was laughing when I looked up to behold a spectacle of singeing expertise.  He must have leaned over to see why the grill wasn’t lighting only to be surprised with an explosion of fire which singed his eyebrows, eyelashes and hair.  Check out more pictures here.  I can only hope that this event is recorded in the family history as the time I ran out of gas on I-15 and had to call for help was recorded and perhaps it will overshadow the day my hair caught on fire as I was blowing out my birthday candles.