Tag Archives: tigers

Tiger Pants

Isaac has a fear of tigers that has become a regular topic of conversation.  He’s afraid P1050825-1 to go out at night for fear that tigers will get him.  Around Christmas time, my mother made all three kids a pair of tiger pajama pants to wear.  Isaac refused to wear the pants because he was afraid of them.  One day I convinced him to try them on.  He put them on ran around the house growling like a tiger and then took them off saying that they were too scary.  I regularly try to convince him to try them on again and each time he refuses.  Last night Charlotte and Nicole were wearing their tiger pajamas and I convinced Isaac that if he put his on, then the tigers would say “he’s not a boy, he’s a tiger—we don’t want to eat him.”  As soon as he had the pants on, he immediately covered them up with a blanket so that he wouldn’t be scared by them.  When he woke up this morning he changed out of them before coming to breakfast and yelled from the hallway that he was too afraid to come into the kitchen because he was scared of Charlotte in her tiger pants.  The picture is from last night when he was covering up his pants.


I’m not really sure why Isaac has chosen tigers as his main fimageear, but he has.  Each night he has to check all the locks before he goes to bed to make sure tigers can’t get in (because tigers don’t have keys).  He whispers so the tigers don’t hear him until the doors are locked then he talks in a normal voice.  Here are some of the things he has said about tigers:

6.30.08 (written by Zach) The boy worried that there were tigers outside trying to get in to "die" him.  They were using ladders to come in from the sidewalk to the window.  I told him that there were no tigers in Utah, but that if there were, and they tried to get in, I would boom them with my boomer.  He asked if that would knock them over and make them say "aaah!".
Luckily, Charlotte was the voice of reason.  She told Isaac that
tigers live in the jungle, not on the sidewalk.

8.20.08  Isaac asked Heavenly Father that "the cars that drive by that are too noisy will be bitten by the tigers" in his prayer tonight.

2807509666_28437acd52_b-1 8.31.08 Isaac said he wanted a family of dogs with a mommy, a daddy, an Isaac, a Charlotte, and a Nicole dog.  I told him that most people get just one dog.  I told him that some people get a family of dogs.  He said we are some people so we will get a family.  Then he corrected himself and said that we are some people and kids.  He continued by saying that the dogs would say "woof" and scare the tigers away so the dogs could keep the cats safe.  As he continued to talk and postulate chickens were added to the equasion and he said the chickens would keep the dogs safe from tigers.  When I asked him if he wanted a pet tiger, he said yes, but it would have to be in a cage and he used his hands to describe an inner cage and an outer cage and the outer cage would have a door but the inner cage would have no door.