Tag Archives: Washington House

Our Place in Washington, Part 3

The stairs twist around with several landings.  They are great for kids because it’s hard to fall down all of them at once and they’re carpeted.  Ila has learned to crawl up and down them and actually seems to really enjoy climbing up and down.IMG_6950IMG_6952

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Our Place in Washington, part 2

If you look at my previous post, you’ll see where the livingroom is located within the house.  The screen on the TV is showing a live video feed of the playroom and the red on the couch is Nicole—she was asleep on the couch when I took the pictures.IMG_6507 The fireplace is a gas fireplace controlled by a light-switch on the wall.  The kids thought that was really neat and have learned that they are not allowed to turn on the fireplace.IMG_6508There is no division between the livingroom and kitchen.  You can also see part of our new table.  We got a counter height table with 8 chairs.  It has a leaf in the middle so we can adjust it’s size.IMG_6506 Here’s the kitchen on the other side of the roomIMG_6504I have really loved the upgrade in kitchen.  I have much more cupboard space than our Knoxville home, and I have a pantry again—which I sorely missed in our last home. IMG_6505I like having the island.  I use it as my baking island and I have placed all my baking things in it’s drawers.  I seem to have been backing with much greater frequency.IMG_6478 IMG_6479 It’s the perfect place for baking projects with the kids because they can pull a chair right up to the end and there is a plug on the side of the island so I can plug my mixer in.5485164146_355b397c61_bThe other thing that is nice about our kitchen/livingroom is that  there is a fully fenced backyard with lots of windows facing it so that I can send the kids out to play and keep an eye on them while I cook dinner or clean the kitchen.  Here is a picture that I took before we moved everything in.  image  Next Post = upstairs