Tag Archives: zoo

The Zoo

This post is a little late, but I had several nights where I hardly got any sleep thanks to a baby who will remain nameless so I got behind on my blogging and thought Nicole’s birthday posts could jump the line a little.  One of those bad nights was the night before the field trip to the Zoo when said unnamed baby didn’t sleep for a half an hour straight the entire night.

Zach took the morning off of work and stayed home with the three younger girls while I took Isaac to school.  I dropped Isaac off and then met him in his classroom.  Each kid 5.3.10 Isaac's Kindergarten Zoo Trip (67)was sent to put on a green shirt then work on worksheets in the classroom.  It was interesting to see Isaac in his class.  He needed to sharpen his pencil, but was very shy and hesitant to ask.  After showing me the problem, I told him that I thought it was ok to go sharpen it.  He still got up hesitantly and kept looking at his teacher as if afraid to be yelled at.  So I addressed his teacher and asked if he could sharpen them.  After an ok, Isaac seemed less nervous.  The other thing that was interesting was to see how excited he was to have me there seeing what his school was like.  He kept looking back at me to see if I was paying attention to things like the morning announcement video.

The kids got on the bus and I rode with some other chaperones to the zoo.  At the zoo, the kids lined up and waited to go in.  They ended up waiting for almost an hour for the teacher to pay for the tickets, they were very bored, but behaved well during their long wait.

5.3.10 Isaac's Kindergarten Zoo Trip (1) I was responsible for Isaac and Faith (she’s the girl next to Isaac in the pic).  Isaac wanted to be with one of his best friends (Storm or Emma) so we combined our group with Emma’s group which had Emma’s mom as the chaperone and Mya as the other girl in the group.  Both of Mya’s parents met us at the zoo so we ended up with a group of 4 kids and 4 parents.  Emma is the one with glasses and Mya is wearing pink boots.5.3.10 Isaac's Kindergarten Zoo Trip (48)

The zoo map was a big hit.  As you might imagine, considering the fact that Isaac loves to study maps a night when he’s trying to fall asleep.5.3.10 Isaac's Kindergarten Zoo Trip (15) One of the first animals we saw were the camels.  Isaac was a little nervous when one of the camels put his head over the fence right next to him.  We soon learned why the camel was so friendly—he was interested in Faith’s apple.5.3.10 Isaac's Kindergarten Zoo Trip (26) They also got to pet a ferret.5.3.10 Isaac's Kindergarten Zoo Trip (21) Since we had lost an hour waiting out front, I started off with a fairly quick pace.  Isaac took up the charge and was eager to move on often after only glancing at an animal.  He did, however, slow down to study the ostriches, despite the fact that the rest of the group was ready to move on.5.3.10 Isaac's Kindergarten Zoo Trip (52) The last thing we did was to gather at a playground in the park.   That seemed like his favorite part.  He was reluctant to leave and kept talking about bringing his sisters back to play at the park.

Childrens at the Zoo

We took the Toads to the zoo yesterday, and with the exception of a couple of solid tantrums, a good time was had by all.  Isaac finally saw his Penguins, and Charlotte enjoyed looking at pretty much everything.

They got to ride the little train as well; video below.  If you squint, you might be able to make out Kathleen, Isaac, Charlotte, and Heidi on the train.